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5. Surface brightness distribution

  In this section we study the monochromatic surface brightness distribution at tex2html_wrap_inline3206 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3208 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3210 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å and tex2html_wrap_inline3214 Å (see Table 1 (click here)), whose images are shown in Fig. 11 (click here). After masking disturbing field stars, ellipses were fitted to the isophotes following the algorithm described in Jedrzejewski (1987) and implemented in the ELLIPSE task of the IRAF.STSDAS package. The results for tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å image is shown in Fig. 12 (click here). In Fig. 13 (click here) we plot the ellipticities and position angles (PA) of the fitted ellipses against its semi-major axis for the tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å image. It presents the same trends already noted by Varela et al. (1990) for B, V, R, I and Z images and by MMG for near-infrared images. Also in our case the other continua images show essentially the same behaviour as in tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å. At tex2html_wrap_inline3326, where PA tex2html_wrap_inline3328, the ellipticity has its first maximum tex2html_wrap_inline3330, suggesting an inner bar-like structure. It follows a transition zone at tex2html_wrap_inline3332, where the ellipses are nearly round tex2html_wrap_inline3334. Then, tex2html_wrap_inline3336 increases again, accompanied by a strong variation in PA from 25'' to 35''. With increasing radius, the ellipticity increases from 0.12 to 0.18 at tex2html_wrap_inline3342, the edge of our frames. MMG have found that tex2html_wrap_inline3336 increases further to 0.25 at tex2html_wrap_inline3346 and to tex2html_wrap_inline3348 at larger radii. The local maximum in the ellipticity at 50'' corresponds to the external border of the inner ring, at 45''. As mentioned by Kormendy (1993), these nested elliptical regions of different tex2html_wrap_inline3336 indicate that at most one of these zones can be axially symmetric and part of the disk must be oval, since warps can be excluded at this high surface brightness. Assuming axial symmetry for the zone between r=50'' and 70'', we get an inclination angle of tex2html_wrap_inline3360. This behaviour of tex2html_wrap_inline3336 and PA is what one might expect of an oval or bar-like structure, more marked in young stars than in old populations, and with dust obscuration near the young component (Varela et al. 1990).

5.1. Radial brightness profiles

  The mean surface brightness of the fitted ellipses are plotted against the ellipses major axis in Fig. 14 (click here). A least square test, using a downhill simplex minimization algorithm ("amoeba") implemented in the task NFIT1D of the IRAF package, shows that the best fit to these profiles are attained with a de Vaucouleurs' law, representing a small bulge, plus two Freeman's (1970) disks, a thick and a thin one. The de Vaucouleurs' law is given by
where tex2html_wrap_inline3234 is the effective radius (the radius of the isophote that contains a half of the total bulge luminosity) and tex2html_wrap_inline3374 is the surface brightness at tex2html_wrap_inline3376. The Freeman's exponential disk law is
where tex2html_wrap_inline3236 is the disk scale length and I0 is the luminosity density at r=0.

We express tex2html_wrap_inline3384 and tex2html_wrap_inline3386 in Oke & Gunn's (1983) magnitude scale, where the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline3240 and tex2html_wrap_inline3238 are given by


The respective parameters of each component are also given in Fig. 14 (click here). Sanders & Tubbs (1980) also required the superposition of two disks plus a bulge, to explain the gas kinematics in NGC5383 galaxy.

Figure 16: Gray scale representation of two dimensional color maps tex2html_wrap_inline3392, tex2html_wrap_inline3394, tex2html_wrap_inline3396 and tex2html_wrap_inline3398. The limits are indicated in each image, white represents bluer colors. (1pixel = 0.303arcsec)

5.2. Rings in the central region

  The young stellar population underlying to the ring of HII regions produces a bump in the observed continua profiles, which is more prominent in the tex2html_wrap_inline3206 Å profile (Fig. 14 (click here)), where it extends itself between tex2html_wrap_inline3404. In order to search for other substructures in the central regions, we generated a synthetic image from the profile fitted to tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å image, addopting for each brightness level the ellipse shown in Fig. 12 (click here). This procedure is performed with the IRAF task BMODEL. The result of the subtraction of the model from the data for the central 20'' is shown in Fig. 15 (click here). An oval ring of tex2html_wrap_inline3410 is detected, elongated in the same direction as the small central bar studied by MMG. It coincides with the isophote of highest ellipticity (Fig. 13 (click here)) and settles the beginning of the strong variation in the isophotes position angle. At tex2html_wrap_inline3412 a smaller circular ring is found (Fig. 15 (click here)), which coincides with the innermost ILR as calculated by Shaw et al. (1993). The central features inside r < 2'' are artifacts of images subtraction.

5.3. Two-dimensional color indexes

  We present in Fig. 16 (click here) the two-dimensional distribution of the color indexes tex2html_wrap_inline3416), tex2html_wrap_inline3418), tex2html_wrap_inline3420) and tex2html_wrap_inline3422). In these pictures, young (blue) and disk (red) populations appear as white and grey colors respectively. The population of the HII\ regions ring detaches clearly as white, in color indexes tex2html_wrap_inline3392 and tex2html_wrap_inline3396, becomes blured in tex2html_wrap_inline3394 and disappears in tex2html_wrap_inline3398. Inside the ring appear small arcs of dust, which present spiral-like structure. A comparison with Fig. 1 (click here) reveals that HII regions 55, 56 and 72 are located in the outer part of these dusty features to the northwest, probably indicating star formation activity induced by a spiral perturbation in the inner disk.

5.4. Stellar population across the disk


Figure 17: Comparison of the continuum distribution with combinations of Bica's templates. We quote the contribution of each age template at 5270 Å. Bica's templates include star cluster spectra with different age and metallicity. Globular clusters: tex2html_wrap_inline3432); tex2html_wrap_inline3434); tex2html_wrap_inline3436); tex2html_wrap_inline3438); tex2html_wrap_inline3440). Intermediate age: I1(109 yr); I2(5tex2html_wrap_inline3448 yr). Young clusters: Y1(107 yr); Y2(5tex2html_wrap_inline3456 yr); Y3(108 yr); Y4(5tex2html_wrap_inline3464 yr)

We obtained the continuum brightness distribution for five positions across the disk by integrating azimuthal profiles. These results are compared in Fig. 17 (click here) to combinations of Bica's (1988) templates, through a simple stellar population synthesis. From the bulge outwards it is possible to see a small increase of younger stellar population contribution, which appears massively on the ring, at 46''. In the outer disk, at 60'', there is a clear presence of a younger population than in the inner disk.

At the very center tex2html_wrap_inline3470 the population is an old one (Bica's template G1, tex2html_wrap_inline3472Gyr); at r=10'' we need to introduce intermediate age population of tex2html_wrap_inline3476yr (template I1) in a similar amount than the old one; at r=20'' we need to add an even younger stellar population of 500 Myr and at r=46'', the ring of HII regions, we need a substantial contribution of 107 years old stellar population, which corresponds to the continuum of ionizing clusters. The spectrum of the disk outside the ring of HII regions (r=60''), shows the presence of younger stellar population than the inner disk, showing that the star formation activity took place not only on the ring but also in the external disk.

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