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4. HII regions physical conditions

  The HII regions of NGC4736 are mainly distributed in a ring of tex2html_wrap_inline2820 in diameter centered at the nucleus (Fig. 1 (click here)). A series of short arms detach from the ring outwards. Inwards, we find regions 55, 56 and 72 on a weak Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 emitting arm, which twist itself for more than tex2html_wrap_inline2824, from Southwest to East, leaning against the ring to the East. Weak Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 emission is also found in a featureless, hook like structure, surrounding the nucleus to the East, which covers an area of about tex2html_wrap_inline2828. Images of the remaining emission lines are presented in Fig. 2 (click here).

Table 2: Background brightness at each wavelength as measured in the galaxy and standard star frames. The integration time in Col. 4 corresponds to the data of Col. 3. The integration time for Col. 2 is that quoted in Table 1 (click here)

Figure 3: The lines are tex2html_wrap_inline2836. Full line: tex2html_wrap_inline2838; dotted lines: extreme values of tex2html_wrap_inline2840 (500cm-3 and 40cm-3)

Figure 4: Numerical diameters distribution for D100. The diameter bins are tex2html_wrap_inline2848

4.1. Diameters distribution

  We have defined an isophotal diameter as D = tex2html_wrap_inline2858, with tex2html_wrap_inline2860, tex2html_wrap_inline2862, where A and tex2html_wrap_inline2866 are the areas inside the isophote of a defined brightness for the HII region and in the half-maximum of a stellar profile respectively. The isophotal diameters have been measured on the deconvolved Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 image (Sect. 3 (click here)).

Figure 5: Cumulative diameters distribution of the HII regions of NGC4736. Points shows the number of HII regions with diameters greater than the value indicated in the horizontal axis. Full line: fit to the law tex2html_wrap_inline2870 (see text) with D0=115 pc and a correlation coefficient of 0.97

Figure 6: Differential luminosity function of NGC4736 HII regions. Points: average number of HII regions per 0.2dex luminosity bin. Dashed line gives the fit to the full set of points with the index of the power law tex2html_wrap_inline2874 and the correlation coefficient is -0.85. Full lines: data set was fitted in two parts. In the low luminosity part we obtained tex2html_wrap_inline2878 and a correlation coefficient of -0.85; in the high luminosity part tex2html_wrap_inline2882 whith a correlation correlation coefficient of -0.96

We obtained for each HII region a halo diameter (D100, Kennicut 1988), defined by the isophote at level tex2html_wrap_inline2888, roughly equivalent to the halo diameter used in distance scale applications by Sandage & Tammann (1974). In Fig. 3 (click here) we show a plot of D100 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2892. The average slope of the set of points is 3 (tex2html_wrap_inline2894, where C is a constant value; full line in the figure), similar to that obtained by Kennicutt (1988) for the brightest HII region of a sample of 95 nearby spiral and irregular galaxies. As quoted by this author, for the simplest case of a constant density ionization-bounded HII region, the Stromgren sphere should scale as the cube root of the ionizing luminosity. But the average regression in Fig. 3 (click here), also represents a locus of constant electron density tex2html_wrap_inline2840. We show in that figure the lines embracing 95% of the HII regions which represent the extreme values of tex2html_wrap_inline2840 in this sample. tex2html_wrap_inline2840 can be obtained from the following relations:
where N0912 is the number of photons capable to ionize the Hydrogen. By comparing relation (1 (click here)) with
where r1 is the Strömgren radius, tex2html_wrap_inline2910 is the recombination coefficient to all excited levels, and tex2html_wrap_inline2912, the hydrogen atoms number density (Osterbrock 1989). We obtained for the average and the two extreme tex2html_wrap_inline2840 values, 150 cm-3, tex2html_wrap_inline2920cm-3 and tex2html_wrap_inline2924cm-3 respectively. As a matter of comparison, from Kennicutt's (1988, Fig. 6.) data we calculated tex2html_wrap_inline2928cm-3, tex2html_wrap_inline2932cm-3 and tex2html_wrap_inline2936cm-3 respectively. For the three regions in common with Kennicutt (regions 12, 16 and 87 in our sample), his mean tex2html_wrap_inline2840 is tex2html_wrap_inline2942cm-3, while our one is tex2html_wrap_inline2932cm-3. The difference appear mainly from the measured diameters. For these regions, Kennicutt's mean diameter is tex2html_wrap_inline2950, while we obtained tex2html_wrap_inline2952. The deconvolution process might explain such a difference.

Figure 4 (click here) shows D100 histogram. The distribution of halo diameters is fairly symmetric and peaks at tex2html_wrap_inline2956.

Figure 7: Line ratio pairs relations. a) tex2html_wrap_inline2958 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2960; b) tex2html_wrap_inline2962 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964; c) tex2html_wrap_inline2966 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964; d) tex2html_wrap_inline2960 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964. Full lines in a), b) and c) the MRS's predicting equations. Black dots represents regions with tex2html_wrap_inline2974

Table 5: HII regions oxygen abundance 12+log (O/H) and temperature index tex2html_wrap_inline2976

Figure 5 (click here) shows the cumulative distribution of D100. It is fitted by the law tex2html_wrap_inline2870 (e.g. van den Bergh 1981; Hodge 1983, 1987), where N (D) represents the number of HII regions with a diameter larger than a characteristic diameter D. A least square fit gives tex2html_wrap_inline2558, with a correlation coefficient of 0.97 and it is represented by the full line in Fig. 5 (click here).

As a matter of comparison, for tex2html_wrap_inline3034cm-3, D0 is approximately five times larger than the radius of the Strömgren's sphere of an O5 star, indicating that the largest HII regions are certainly ionized by associations of massive stars. The total number of HII regions furnished by the regression is tex2html_wrap_inline3040. The fall down of N(D) for tex2html_wrap_inline3044 with respect to the quoted regression indicates that we detected only 2 to 5% of the weakest HII regions.

Figure 8: HII regions internal extinction C(Htex2html_wrap_inline2544 ) vs. tex2html_wrap_inline3050. Black dots represents HII regions with tex2html_wrap_inline3052

4.2. Luminosity function

  HII regions luminosity functions are generally well represented by power laws dtex2html_wrap_inline3066dL, where dN(L) is the number of HII regions emitting an Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 luminosity between L and L+dL. In Fig. 6 (click here) we show the differential luminosity function for the HII regions of NGC4736, where the points are the average number of HII regions per 0.2dex luminosity bin. The general properties coincide with that obtained by Kennicutt et al. (1989). Basically, it deviates strongly from a single power law, as happens with HII regions in early-type spirals. NGC4736, as M51, NGC3521 and NGC3627, presents a turn over in the LF for HII regions brighter than tex2html_wrap_inline3080, a signature of late-type spirals and irregulars. The number of this type of HII\ region is lower than that which would correspond to the extrapolation of the power law representing the luminosity function of the faintest HII regions. A discussion about the implications of this property can be found in Kennicutt et al. (1989).

Figure 9: Relation of the temperature parameter tex2html_wrap_inline2976 with Htex2html_wrap_inline2544 equivalent width

Figure 10: Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -continuum luminosity vs. Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 intensity compared to the evolutionary tracks of theoretical ionizing clusters (full lines). The models are: tex2html_wrap_inline3090 tex2html_wrap_inline3092; tex2html_wrap_inline3094 tex2html_wrap_inline3092; tex2html_wrap_inline3098 tex2html_wrap_inline3100; tex2html_wrap_inline3102 tex2html_wrap_inline3104; tex2html_wrap_inline3106 tex2html_wrap_inline3108. The tick marks on each model represent the model runs from right to left with t=0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 Myr

4.3. Chemical abundances

  The Oxygen chemical abundance, tex2html_wrap_inline2978, was estimated by means of the ratio tex2html_wrap_inline3118 (Pagel et al.\ 1979; McCall et al. 1985, hereafter MRS), calibrated according to Zaritsky et al. (1994):
where tex2html_wrap_inline3120. Since we observed only [OIII]tex2html_wrap_inline2546, the total intensity was obtained from [OIII]tex2html_wrap_inline3124tex2html_wrap_inline3126[OIII]tex2html_wrap_inline2546. Table 5 (click here) gives the set of derived Oxygen abundances, whose mean from 65 HII regions is tex2html_wrap_inline3130 with tex2html_wrap_inline3132. Since the HII regions are practically located at the same radial distance, we can not prove radial metallicity gradients.

In Fig. 7 (click here) we show MRS diagnostic diagrams, tex2html_wrap_inline3134 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2960, tex2html_wrap_inline2962 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964, tex2html_wrap_inline3142 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964, tex2html_wrap_inline2960 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964, where we plot our data set and MRS's predicting equations. Except for tex2html_wrap_inline2966 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2964, the positions of the HII regions brighter than tex2html_wrap_inline3154 (erg tex2html_wrap_inline3156) are in good agreement with MRS's predicting equations.

In Fig. 8 (click here) we plot the HII regions internal extinction C(Htex2html_wrap_inline2544 ) vs. R23, which shows that higher extinction corresponds with lower metallicities. A possible reason for the observed correlation is that, on average, the higher metallicity, the stronger are the stellar winds and consequently they are more efficient in blowing out and breaking the dust grains within the HII region. We point out that this correlation cannot be a consequence of the [OII] extinction correction, since R23 is more influenced by [OIII]/Htex2html_wrap_inline2544 as can be seen in Figs. 7 (click here)a and 7 (click here)d.

4.4. Temperatures of the ionizing sources

  The effective temperature of the HII regions ionizing source tex2html_wrap_inline3168 can be estimated through the parameter tex2html_wrap_inline3170 (Vı lchez & Pagel 1988), which can be obtained from the observed line ratio

where t is the electronic temperature tex2html_wrap_inline3174 in units of 104 K. tex2html_wrap_inline2976 is a good criterion of effective temperature of ionizing stars tex2html_wrap_inline3168 and it is relatively insensitive to chemical composition and ionization conditions found in observed nebulae, particularly when measurements of the [SIII] lines in the far red are available, as happens in our case. Assuming t=1, we can compute [SIII]tex2html_wrap_inline3184 = 3.48 [SIII]tex2html_wrap_inline2552 (Mendoza & Zeippen 1982). Table 5 (click here) gives the values of tex2html_wrap_inline2976 for 45 HII regions.

Figure 9 (click here) gives the distribution of the HII regions in the plane tex2html_wrap_inline3190 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline3192. If the formation of stars in the ionizing cluster occurs in a burst, the evolution of the HII regions as a function of time in this diagram will be in the sense of decreasing tex2html_wrap_inline3192 and increasing tex2html_wrap_inline2976 (decreasing tex2html_wrap_inline3198) (Copetti et al. 1986, CPD). The full line in Fig. 9 (click here) limits the highest tex2html_wrap_inline3192 values. It is the locus of the youngest HII regions for a given tex2html_wrap_inline2976, according to CPD. As a consequence, the upper envelope of the data points (dashed line) would represent the evolutionary track or fading of the most luminous HII regions (black dots, tex2html_wrap_inline3204). The lower envelope (dotted line) shows a higher slope than the upper one, indicating that the less massive HII regions suffer more drastic change in temperature during their fading. In the next section we carry out a quantitative analysis of the HII regions evolution.

4.5. Age and mass of the ionizing clusters


Figure 11: Continua images at tex2html_wrap_inline3206 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3208 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3210 Å, tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å and tex2html_wrap_inline3214 Å. North is up, East is to the left. A saw-tooth lookup table was used; levels in the color bars are logarithm of flux density tex2html_wrap_inline3216

Figure 12: Result of the isophote fits to the tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å image. Left pannel: the isophotal map; brightness levels are 15.4, 16.0, 16.6, 17.0, 17.6, 18.0, 18.2, 18.5, 18.6, 18.8, 19.2, 19.8, and 21.0 magarcsec-2. Right pannel: fitting for the same levels, which corresponds to ellipses with semi-major axis length of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 130, 170 and 220 arcsec

Figure 13: Ellipticities and position angles vs. distance along the semi-major axis in tex2html_wrap_inline3212 Å image. Error bars are obtained from the residual intensity scatter, combined with the internal error in the harmonic fit, after removal of the first and second fitted harmonics

Figure 14: Radial brightness profiles (data points) and its best fits (full lines) for tex2html_wrap_inline3206 a), tex2html_wrap_inline3208 b), tex2html_wrap_inline3210 c), tex2html_wrap_inline3212 d) and tex2html_wrap_inline3214 e). Individual components of each fit are shown separatelly: de Vaucouleurs' profiles in dotted lines; Freeman profiles in dashed lines. We give the values of tex2html_wrap_inline3234, tex2html_wrap_inline3236 (arcsec), tex2html_wrap_inline3238, tex2html_wrap_inline3240 (mag) and the RMS deviation to each fit. Error bars were calculated directly from the RMS scatter in luminosity along the fitted ellipse. f): Zoom of the central part of d), showing the fit and data set behaviour

We discuss the HII region distribution in the plane Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 intensity vs. Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -continuum luminosity, which is very suitable to study the ionizing clusters properties, because the Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 intensity measures the amount of ionizing photons furnished directly by the more massive stars in the Main Sequence, while the Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -continuum luminosity is mainly contributed by low-mass stars and evolved massive stars. In this context, we derive age and mass of the HII region ionizing clusters. The data set is compared to theoretical models of the ionizing clusters, which are computed with the "ET" code (Cid-Fernandes et al. 1992), which retrives the temporal evolution of a cluster spectrum by inputting (i) An IMF formed in a burst, (ii) Stellar evolutionary tracks and (iii) Model atmospheres, besides the cluster total mass tex2html_wrap_inline3250. We assume as input data for "ET": (i) A Salpeter's IMF with a lower mass limit tex2html_wrap_inline3252 and upper mass limit tex2html_wrap_inline3092, for clusters with total mass tex2html_wrap_inline3256; tex2html_wrap_inline3104, for those with tex2html_wrap_inline3260; and tex2html_wrap_inline3108, for those with tex2html_wrap_inline3264, suitable for the range of sources temperature derived in the previous section. Particularly, for the two last cases, a larger tex2html_wrap_inline3266 would require a fractional number of most massive star. (ii) The set of stellar evolutionary tracks of Maeder & Meynet (1988). (iii) The model atmospheres of Kurucz (1979). For a theoretical cluster of a given mass, "ET" furnishes, beside other data, the Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -continuum luminosity and the Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -line intensity, which are computed by assuming a radiation bounded HII region (case B of Backer & Mentzel 1936).

In Fig. 10 (click here) we have plotted the data set in the plane Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 -continuum luminosity vs. Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 intensity, where we have superimposed the evolutionary tracks of cluster models, up to 12 Myr. It becomes clear that the right-hand side limit of the data set distribution corresponds to a Zero Age Sequence for clusters of different masses. The more massive ionizing clusters are those of regions 5, 51 and 87 (tex2html_wrap_inline3276), with ages of tex2html_wrap_inline3278 5, 6 and 8 Myr, respectively. The models indicate that the Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 intensity of 12 Myr old ionizing clusters, more massive than tex2html_wrap_inline3282, should be detectable in our observations (sensitivity tex2html_wrap_inline3284), nevertheless we fail to. It might indicate that clusters as massive as those produce enough Supernovae and massive star winds to blow away the surrounding gas, transforming the HII region after 9Myr in an optically thin one, which would produce an additional fadding of the emitting gas due to the leakage of ionizing photons. Regions 3 and 54 are just two border cases of the fadding process.

Figure 15: Result of subtraction of a bulge + 2 disks two dimensional model image from the tex2html_wrap_inline3212 image

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