Figure 2: Pure
[OII], H , [OIII],
[SII] and [SIII] emission line frames
In this section we present the catalog of HII regions of NGC4736. Table 3 furnishes for each HII region: Col. 1, the identification number; Col. 2, Hodge & Kennicutt's (1983) identification; Cols. 3 and 4, the coordinates in arc seconds with respect to the galaxy nucleus, with X toward the East and Y toward the North; Col. 5, the halo diameter; Cols. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, [OII], H , [OIII], H , [SII], and [SIII], emission line fluxes () respectively; Col. 12, the internal extinction in the H line; Col. 13 the H equivalent width and Col. 14 the H luminosity. Table 4a gives, for the HII regions, the flux of the continuum adjacent to each line.
Pure line flux and continua frames were deconvolved with the seeing profile in order to measure accurate positions and diameters (we remark that fluxes were not measured in deconvolved frames). This procedure is mainly useful to separate members of crowded groups of HII regions. The deconvolution was accomplished by means of a Maximum Entropy Method, using astronomical routines of the IDL package. The point spread function (PSF) was obtained through stellar profiles measured in the coadded continuum images. After 100 iterations the deconvolution reduced the FWHM from to . The method allows to obtain positions with an uncertainty of pixel.
HII regions diameters were measured in the H deconvolved image by isophotal areas, as described in Sect. 4.1 (click here).
Figure 1 (click here)a shows NGC4736 pure H frame and Fig. 1 (click here)b is an identification chart of the HII regions. Features that looks like an HII region, whose brightness is below a threshold of three times the background RMS deviation were disregarded.