NGC4736 (M94) is a bright (R)Sab(r) galaxy (de Vaucouleurs 1976 - RC2), member of Canis Venatici I group (Geller & Huchra 1983). The galaxy is well studied in its optical morphology, kinematics of the optically emitting gas (van der Kruit 1974, 1976; Buta 1984, 1988) and HI distribution and kinematics (Bosma et al. 1977; Mulder & van Driel 1993).
We use in this paper Mulder & van Driel's (1993) distance to NGC4736 (6.6 Mpc, . These authors give a summary of NGC4736 basic properties.
Observations of HII regions in external galaxies are important as tracers of high mass star formation. They provide information about the interstellar medium from which they are formed, as well as stellar population to which they give origin. Hodge & Kennicutt (1983) have cataloged 54 HII regions of NGC4736. They are mainly distributed in a ring of 3.2kpc in diameter. CCD H fluxes and diameters of three HII regions were measured by Kennicutt (1988). The chemical abundances of two of them were studied by McCall et al. (1985). Kennicutt et al. (1989) studied the luminosity function of 78 HII regions of NGC4736, by means of photographic photometry. Oey & Kennicutt (1993) measured the ratios [OII]/H and [OIII]/H of nine HII regions of NGC4736 in an abundance study of HII regions in early-type spiral galaxies.
In the present paper we study the physical conditions of NGC4736 HII regions by means of CCD imaging in strong lines and nearby continua. In Sect. 2 (click here) we describe the observations and data reduction procedures. In Sect. 3 (click here) we catalogue the HII regions position, size, absolute integrated flux in the [OII], H [OIII], H [SII] and [SIII] lines and continua intensity at 3812 Å, 4556 Å, 5276 Å, 6269 Å and 9193 Å. We derive in Sect. 4 (click here) the HII regions physical conditions, their diameters distribution, luminosity function, metal abundances and ionizing sources temperature. We also discuss in Sect. 4 (click here) the spatial distribution of the nuclear emission and the possible origin of the H P-Cygni profile observed by Filippenko & Sargent (1985) in this region.
NGC4736 brightness distribution was discussed by different authors. Bosma et al. (1977) distinguish 5 morphological zones in this galaxy (see image in Lynds 1974 and Mulder & van Driel 1993): A bulge ; an inner spiral structure bounded by a bright inner ring where the majority of the HII\ regions are located; an outer spiral structure , this region probably forms an oval disk; a gap of lower surface brightness; and a faint outer ring . Furthermore, surface photometry reveals the presence of sub-structures within Bosma's zones, such as, a long central bar (Kormendy 1993; Möllenhoff et al. 1995 - MMG), isophotal twisting in the region between and (Varela et al.\ 1990; Beckman et al. 1991), etc. We also discuss in this paper the morphology of NGC4736 at different wavelengths. The high S/N of our continua data set allows to study NGC4736 brightness and color distributions and to infer on the stellar population radial distribution (Sect. 5 (click here)). Our conclusions are given in Sect. 6 (click here).
Figure 1: a) NGC4736 H continuum subtracted image in logarithmic
grayscale, as indicated by the color bar. b) Identification chart of
the NGC4736 HII regions