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6. Conclusions

  We carried out spectrophotometrically calibrated imagery of NGC4736, with narrow band interference filters in emission lines and continua with high S/N ratio.

We present a catalogue of 90 HII regions with positions, sizes, emission line intensities and adjacent continua fluxes of [OII]tex2html_wrap_inline2542, Htex2html_wrap_inline2544 , [OIII]tex2html_wrap_inline2546, Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 , [SII]tex2html_wrap_inline2622, and [SIII]tex2html_wrap_inline2794 lines. They are mainly distributed in a ring of tex2html_wrap_inline2820 in diameter.

There is no HII region comparable to 30 DOR in this galaxy, since the mean Htex2html_wrap_inline2548 luminosity is tex2html_wrap_inline3504.

The HII regions size distribution presents a characteristic diameter tex2html_wrap_inline2558 and follows the relation tex2html_wrap_inline2560.

The physical properties of the set of HII regions are: tex2html_wrap_inline3510; temperatures of ionizing sources are in the range tex2html_wrap_inline3512K; masses of the ionizing clusters are in the range tex2html_wrap_inline2566. HII regions ionizing associations in NGC4736 can reach masses up to tex2html_wrap_inline3516. There are indications that the most massive ionizing associations, produce enough supernovae and/or massive star winds, as to fade out the ionizing gas, transforming the HII regions in an optically thin one.

The radial surface brightness distribution of the galaxy is better fitted by the superposition of a de Vaucouleurs', a thin and a thick exponential disk laws. This configuration was also found in NGC5383. It was put in evidence an oval ring of tex2html_wrap_inline3410, elongated in the same direction as the small central bar.

The monochromatic colors show that oustside the ring of HII regions, the disk presents a contribution of a younger stellar population than that in its inner part.


We thank Dr. E. Bica for making available his templates of stellar population and Dr. R. Cid-Fernandes who provided the "ET" code. The Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope is operated on the island of La Palma by the Royal Greenwich Observatory in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofı sica de Canárias. This project was partially supported by the spanish Dirección General de Investigación Cientı fica y Técnica, grant n PB94-0433. This work was also partially supported by the brazilian institutions CNPq and FINEP.

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