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2 ROSAT PSPC observations and analysis

ROSAT performed 31 pointed PSPC observations with at least 200 s of exposure in a 6$^\circ $$\times $6$^\circ $ area centered on the position RA = 01$^{\rm h}$ 00$^{\rm m}$ 00$^{\rm s}$ Dec = -73$^\circ $ 30$^\prime $ 00 $^{\prime\prime}$ in the SMC between 1990 and 1994. Most of the observations (summarized in Table 1) had exposures between 5 ks and 20 ks and in one case reached 64.6 ks (centered on CF Tuc).

An X-ray image of the SMC produced from merged ROSAT PSPC data in the energy band 0.5 - 2.0 keV is shown in Fig. 1. The image is exposure corrected but not background subtracted and covers an exposed area of $\sim$18 square degrees. Time intervals with a total count rate of more than 15 cts s-1 were excluded to keep the background at the lowest possible level and uniform in the image. The image was binned to 1536$\times $1536 pixels of 15 $^{\prime\prime}$$\times $15 $^{\prime\prime}$ size and smoothed with an intensity dependent Gaussian filter before the exposure correction (stronger smoothing at the low intensity levels and no smoothing above 15 counts per pixel to avoid smearing out the stronger point sources). The still visible blurring is caused by the telescope when sources are observed far off-axis (see the sources at the rim of the exposures). For this reason conclusions on possible diffuse emission in the SMC require a more careful quantitative study beyond the scope of this paper. A wealth of X-ray sources is detected in the ROSAT PSPC data with most sources concentrated in the northern part of the SMC. The combination of three images in the energy bands 0.1 - 0.4 keV, 0.5 - 0.9 keV and 0.9 - 2.0 keV into a red-green-blue (RGB) image is shown in Fig. 2. The colours illustrate the different X-ray spectra of various source types. Sources with soft X-ray spectra (high intensities in the "red" 0.1 - 0.4 keV band) like foreground stars and in particular SSSs appear in orange/red. SNRs are characterized by harder spectra and green to blue colours. Absorbed AGN and X-ray binaries show the hardest X-ray spectra and blue colours in the RGB image.


Table 1: ROSAT PSPC observations of the SMC region

Exp. Date RA Dec
  s    begin  end    (J2000.0)

64636 921002 921111 00 50 48.00 -74 46 48.0
300369p 5640 930928 931101 01 22 55.02 -75 21 00.0
300369p-1 213 940401 940401 01 22 55.02 -75 21 00.0
400022p 16634 911007 911008 01 17 04.08 -73 26 24.0
400022p-1 8985 920930 921002 01 17 04.08 -73 26 24.0

11864 930603 930604 01 17 04.08 -73 26 24.0
400149p 6281 920428 920603 00 37 19.02 -72 14 24.0
400299p 5121 930410 930424 00 37 19.02 -72 14 24.0
400299p-1 1677 931002 931009 00 37 19.02 -72 14 24.0
400299p-2 2311 940503 940505 00 37 19.02 -72 14 24.0

5214 930329 930330 00 58 33.06 -71 36 00.0
400300p-1 7199 931001 931009 00 58 33.06 -71 36 00.0
400300p-2 4111 940505 940505 00 58 33.06 -71 36 00.0
500142p 4909 930512 930513 01 04 02.04 -72 01 48.0
500249p 19262 931105 931109 00 46 40.08 -73 12 36.0

20860 931014 931029 01 04 38.04 -72 05 23.5
500251p 2093 931130 931130 00 51 19.02 -73 24 00.0
600195p-0 16644 911008 911103 00 58 12.00 -72 16 48.0
600195p-1 9443 920417 920427 00 58 12.00 -72 16 48.0
600196p-0 1303 911009 911102 00 50 45.06 -73 13 48.0

22223 920415 920425 00 50 45.06 -73 13 48.0
600197p 21494 911016 911019 01 13 24.00 -72 49 12.0
600452p 14207 930410 930425 01 05 55.02 -72 33 35.5
600452p-1 16663 931001 931014 01 05 55.02 -72 33 35.5
600453p 17593 930509 930512 00 54 28.08 -72 45 36.0

9727 921205 921208 00 42 55.02 -73 38 24.0
600454p-1 8299 930405 930426 00 42 55.02 -73 38 24.0
600455p 3561 921206 921206 01 01 16.08 -71 49 12.0
600455p-1 1721 930416 930422 01 01 16.08 -71 49 12.0
600455p-2 4595 931007 931010 01 01 16.08 -71 49 12.0

4129 940504 940505 01 01 16.08 -71 49 12.0


We used the EXSAS software package (Zimmermann et al. 1994) for the analysis of the individual pointings and followed the same lines as in HP99 for the LMC. However, the 31 SMC observations covered 16 different fields and pointings in the same direction were merged to gain sensitivity. In these cases both merged and individual images were run through the source detection procedure. After the final visual inspection of the source list a catalogue of 517 point-like and weakly extended sources was obtained with source properties as given in the LMC catalogue of HP99. Both catalogues comprise complementary lists of sources detected with the ROSAT PSPC in the fields of the MCs.

\psfig{,width=180mm,clip=,bblly=15pt,bbury=555pt,bbllx=43pt,bburx=546pt} }
\end{figure} Figure 1: Exposure corrected 0.5 - 2.0 keV image of the combined ROSAT PSPC observations in the SMC region

\psfig{,width=148mm,clip=,bbllx=114pt,bburx=494pt,bblly=322pt,bbury=739pt} }
\end{figure} Figure 2: PSPC images in the energy bands 0.1 - 0.4 keV, 0.5 - 0.9 keV and 0.9 - 2.0 keV combined into a red-green-blue (RGB) colour coded image

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