The most comprehensive X-ray studies of the MCs before the launch of ROSAT were performed using the imaging instruments on the Einstein satellite. After a final unified analysis of the IPC data, Wang et al. (1991) and Wang & Wu (1992, hereafter WW92) published catalogues of 105 and 70 discrete X-ray sources in the LMC and SMC regions, respectively. With ROSAT (Trümper 1982) the amount of high angular resolution X-ray data from the MCs increased considerably. Many pointed observations from various scientific programs, in particular using the PSPC imaging detector (0.1 - 2.4 keV; Pfeffermann et al. 1986), are available to completly survey both Clouds. Haberl & Pietsch (1999, hereafter HP99) analyzed more than 200 PSPC pointed observations covering 59 square degrees in the field towards the LMC. They compiled a catalogue of 758 point and point-like X-ray sources and used the properties of identified sources to classify nearly 100 sources as new candidates for SNRs, X-ray binaries, SSSs, foreground stars and background AGN.
Kahabka & Pietsch (1996) conducted a PSPC survey of the SMC covering 9 square degrees and Kahabka et al. (1999, hereafter KPFH99) published a first ROSAT PSPC catalogue with 248 X-ray sources. The number of PSPC observations finally available in the ROSAT archive is twice of that used by KPFH99. We therefore analyzed the whole set of PSPC pointings towards the SMC to derive a complete catalogue of PSPC sources in the SMC region as was provided by HP99 for the LMC. To obtain this new complementary catalogue the analysis was done the same way as in HP99 (Sect. 2). In Sect. 3 we present the ROSAT PSPC catalogue of SMC sources together with a classification based on various properties.
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