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2. General expressions

2.1. Cross-correlation/spectrum between a double star's image and its square

In this paper one-dimensional notation will be used for simplicity, the extension to two dimensions being trivial. The intensity of a double star O(x) can be modeled as the sum of two unit impulses distant d and weighted by the intensity ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1718, i.e.:


We denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1704 the cross-correlation (CC) between O(x) and its square. tex2html_wrap_inline1704 is defined as
This function is a slice of the triple correlation of O(x) defined as (Weigelt 1991)
we have tex2html_wrap_inline1728.

For a double star, tex2html_wrap_inline1704 becomes
This quantity may be compared with the AC tex2html_wrap_inline1702 of the double star O(x)
Both tex2html_wrap_inline1702 and tex2html_wrap_inline1704 are composed of a central peak surrounded by two smaller ones distant d (see Fig. 1 (click here)). For the AC, these two peaks are symmetrical whatever the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1718. This is why Labeyrie's speckle interferometry cannot give the relative positions of the two stars when observing a binary system. The CC tex2html_wrap_inline1704 presents two asymmetrical peaks of ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1718. The relative position of the peaks is those of the stars in O(x). Using this quantity in double star's speckle interferometry, rather than AC, should give the position angle (PA) of the binary without any ambiguity.


In the Fourier domain, the cross spectrum (CS) tex2html_wrap_inline1750 between O(x) and its square is the Fourier transform of tex2html_wrap_inline1704. It is a complex quantity whose real and imaginary parts are:
Both are sinusoidal functions of period tex2html_wrap_inline1756. The amplitude of the real and of the imaginary part gives the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1718 without any ambiguity. But information concerning the relative position of the stars is fully contained in the imaginary part of tex2html_wrap_inline1750. Let s be the slope of tex2html_wrap_inline1764 at the origin:
We note that s<0 when tex2html_wrap_inline1768 and tex2html_wrap_inline1770 when tex2html_wrap_inline1772. See Fig. 2 (click here) for illustration.

Figure 2: Real and imaginary parts of the CS between a double star O(x) and its square. Both figures are for an intensity ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1776 between the two stars. Up: brighter star on the left, down: brighter star on the right. The real part of the CS is not sensitive to this orientation contrary to the imaginary part: its slope at the origin is positive in the first case and negative in the second one

2.2. Estimation of tex2html_wrap_inline1750 from speckle data

We denote as I(x) the instantaneous double star's specklegrams and S(x) the corresponding point-spread function (PSF). Assuming isoplanatism, we can write
We denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1786 the CC of I(x) and tex2html_wrap_inline1704 the CC of S(x).
where tex2html_wrap_inline1794 denotes ensemble average. From Eqs. (2 (click here)) and (3 (click here)), we have tex2html_wrap_inline1796 and tex2html_wrap_inline1798.

Unfortunately we cannot find between tex2html_wrap_inline1786 and tex2html_wrap_inline1802 the simple convolution relation that exists between the corresponding full triple correlations. Inserting the value of I(x) of Eq. (8 (click here)) into Eq. (9 (click here)), a simple calculation gives:
This can be written as a convolution product plus a bias term
where the bias term is

It is difficult to estimate and subtract this bias from speckle data because of the presence of the unknown factors tex2html_wrap_inline1806 and tex2html_wrap_inline1808. Nevertheless we shall see that tex2html_wrap_inline1810 vanishes if we consider zero-mean specklegrams in the case of a star separation large with respect to the speckle size s.

We call tex2html_wrap_inline1814 and tex2html_wrap_inline1816 the zero-mean specklegrams of the PSF and the double star:
We respectively denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1818, tex2html_wrap_inline1820, tex2html_wrap_inline1822 and tex2html_wrap_inline1824 the mean (with obviously tex2html_wrap_inline1826), the AC, the CC and the triple correlation of tex2html_wrap_inline1814. We denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1830 the CC of tex2html_wrap_inline1816. From Eqs. (12-14) we have
Let us consider the term tex2html_wrap_inline1834. We have
where tex2html_wrap_inline1836 is the mathematical expectation of tex2html_wrap_inline1838. We have assumed that tex2html_wrap_inline1840, so tex2html_wrap_inline1814 and tex2html_wrap_inline1844 are uncorrelated. We can distinguish 3 cases:

  1. tex2html_wrap_inline1846:
    tex2html_wrap_inline1814 and tex2html_wrap_inline1850 are correlated; tex2html_wrap_inline1844 is uncorrelated both with tex2html_wrap_inline1814 and tex2html_wrap_inline1850, so:
  2. tex2html_wrap_inline1858:
    tex2html_wrap_inline1844 and tex2html_wrap_inline1850 are correlated; tex2html_wrap_inline1814 is uncorrelated with the two others, so:
  3. Otherwise:
    Both tex2html_wrap_inline1814, tex2html_wrap_inline1844 and tex2html_wrap_inline1850 are uncorrelated, so:

Figure 3a-g): Cross-correlation/spectrum computed on simulated speckle patterns. The calculus has been made on two sets of 200 images, one for the double star and one for the reference star. The double star is 10 pixels separation oriented along the x-axis. The intensity ratio is 0.5. The simulation has been made for a Fried parameter r0=20 cm, a telescope diameter of 2.60 m and a wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline1876 nm. a) is a typical double star's specklegram, b) is the two-dimensional object's CC tex2html_wrap_inline1704 and c) is a cut along the tex2html_wrap_inline1880 axis. Notice the asymmetry of the two secondary peaks. Lower pictures are the real d) and imaginary f) parts of tex2html_wrap_inline1750, while the curves e) and g) are the corresponding cuts along the ux axis. Note the sign of the slope at the origin of tex2html_wrap_inline1764

Figure 4a-f): This figure shows an application to the bright star tex2html_wrap_inline1888 (see text for details). Computation was made for 1089 short exposure (20 ms) frames of the double star and 2993 on the reference star HR7536. The mean value of each specklegram has been estimated as an average of the intensity over the image, then subtracted. a) and b) are the two-dimensional CC and its cut along the tex2html_wrap_inline1880 axis (the coordinate system has been rotated so that interesting features are along the horizontal axis). The asymmetry of the secondary peaks gives the relative position of the stars. e) and f) are the real and imaginary parts of the CS tex2html_wrap_inline1750, c) and d) are cuts along the ux axis. The imaginary part of tex2html_wrap_inline1750 is a sine function with positive slope at origin: the brightest star is on the left

The term tex2html_wrap_inline1898 is obtained by changing d into -d in the above expressions. We see that in most cases the bias vanishes under the hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline1840. It is important to remark that this previous calculus is valid only under the space-stationarity hypothesis, i.e. if mS is the same on the whole image. This is valid only if we take the central part of the speckle pattern.

Let us assume that tex2html_wrap_inline1840. We can then write the approximation
and in the Fourier domain:
Estimating tex2html_wrap_inline1750 from speckle data is very similar to classical speckle interferometry processing. The cross-spectra are estimated as ensemble averages (tex2html_wrap_inline1912 denoting the Fourier Transform):
Note that tex2html_wrap_inline1914 is a real function (assuming the statistical properties of the ideal point-spread speckle pattern are isotropic in space).

Numerical simulations of speckle data are presented in Fig. 3. This technique has been applied successfully to the newly discovered double star MOAI 1
(Carbillet et al. 1996a). Figure 4 shows another application to the star tex2html_wrap_inline1684 Sge. Observations were made on September, 1994 with the 2 m Telescope Bernard Lyot (TBL) of the Pic du Midi observatory, using the speckle camera of the Aperture Synthesis group of Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (André et al. 1994) and an ICCD detector.

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