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3. Low light level

3.1. Expression of the photon bias in the cross-correlation

In this subsection we denote as the generic name tex2html_wrap_inline1922 one of the functions tex2html_wrap_inline1704, tex2html_wrap_inline1786 or tex2html_wrap_inline1802. The same is for their Fourier transforms: tex2html_wrap_inline1930. These functions are the CC and the CS of a high-light level zero-mean speckle pattern.

Since tex2html_wrap_inline1922 is a slice of the triple correlation of O(x), it is possible to take advantage of the calculus of the bias terms made by Aime et al. (1992) in the photodetected triple correlation. Equation (2.18) of this last paper leads to the following expression for the photodetected cross-correlation tex2html_wrap_inline1936 of the zero-mean
tex2html_wrap_inline1938 is a photon bias term whose expression is
where tex2html_wrap_inline1940 is the average number of photons per image, tex2html_wrap_inline1702 is the correlation function of the zero-mean high-light level speckle pattern (standing for tex2html_wrap_inline1944, tex2html_wrap_inline1946 and tex2html_wrap_inline1948) and m is its mean. The bias terms are not as simple as for the photodetected AC (Aime et al. 1992) where it is just a Dirac delta function at the origin. The photodetected CS tex2html_wrap_inline1952 is biased by frequency-dependent terms
where W(u) is the power spectrum, Fourier transform of tex2html_wrap_inline1702. It is remarkable to notice that bias terms are real. The imaginary part of the photodetected cross-spectrum is unbiased. Its expression is

3.2. Case of a bright reference star

For a bright enough reference star, the detection at high light level of the specklegrams S(x) allows to compute the high-light level zero-mean cross-spectrum tex2html_wrap_inline1960. We assume that the specklegrams I(x) are detected in photon-counting mode. We denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1964 the ratio between the photodetected cross-spectrum of I(x) and the cross-spectrum of S(x)
Even in the case of a well resolved double star where the convolution relation may be applied, tex2html_wrap_inline1964 is not a good estimator of the double star cross-spectrum because of the complicated bias terms. Its real and imaginary parts are
where NI is the average number of photons per image in the specklegrams of I(x). Here again it appears that the imaginary part of tex2html_wrap_inline1964 is unbiased. This may be interesting if we remember that this imaginary part contains the information on the relative position of the stars in O(x).

Figure 5: Simulation of photodetected CS for different number of photons per image. The upper figures are for 2000 photons/frame, the middle are for 40 photons/frame and the lower ones are for 15 photons/frame. The computation was made on two sets of 5000 images with the same parameters as in Fig. 3. The pictures on the left are typical specklegrams. Curves are real (middle) and imaginary (right) parts of the biased object's cross spectrum tex2html_wrap_inline1964 estimated as indicated in the text. Notice that even at the lowest light level (15 photons/frame) it is possible to predict the relative position of the stars using the sign of the slope at the origin tex2html_wrap_inline1982 of the imaginary part

3.3. General case

In this subsection we suppose that both I(x) and S(x) are photodetected. We denote as NS the average number of photons per image in the specklegrams of S(x). We shall see that the information on the relative position of the stars is still present. This information is contained in the slope of the imaginary part of tex2html_wrap_inline1750 at the origin (see Fig. 2 (click here)). For a high-light level detection where tex2html_wrap_inline1750 is estimated as written in Eq. (20 (click here)), the slope s, defined in Eq. (7 (click here)), can be written as (after a few algebra)
where we use the fact that tex2html_wrap_inline2000. The sign of s is that of tex2html_wrap_inline2004.

We denote as tex2html_wrap_inline1982 the slope at the origin of tex2html_wrap_inline1964 defined as the ratio between the photodetected cross-spectra of I(x) and S(x). The expression of tex2html_wrap_inline1982 is similar to the previous equation
and from equation 25 (click here) tex2html_wrap_inline1982 expresses as
Taking the expressions given in Eq. (24 (click here)) for tex2html_wrap_inline2018,
in the case of tex2html_wrap_inline2020 this relation may be approximated by

Figure 6: Simulation of 10000 photodetected images of a double star of separation d=10 pixels and intensity ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1776. The average number of photons per image is 50. The parameters of the simulation are 2.60 m for the telescope diameter, r0=30 cm and wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline2028 Å. 10000 images of a single reference star have also been synthesized with the same conditions. Curves on the left are the real part of the photon-biased and unbiased CS tex2html_wrap_inline2030 of the double star's images. Curves on the right are the biased and unbiased object's CC tex2html_wrap_inline1704. The ratio of the two peaks is 0.90 for the biased data and 0.73 for the unbiased ones

Figure 7: a) is the triple correlation tex2html_wrap_inline2034 of clipped photon counting specklegrams of a double star. It is a plot in the tex2html_wrap_inline2036 plane in the case where tex2html_wrap_inline2038, tex2html_wrap_inline2040 and d are collinear. The double star has a separation of 10 pixels and an intensity ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1776. b) is a schematic representation of a) where the relevant peaks are drawn as filled circles with values of the TC indicated. Curves c), d) and e) are the CC, the function tex2html_wrap_inline2046 and the function tex2html_wrap_inline2048. These curves correspond to slices of the TC along the directions indicated by the vertical arrows. As expected the CC does not show any asymmetry. The function tex2html_wrap_inline2046 looks similar to the unclipped CC with a slight asymmetry between the peaks (no photon bias correction has been applied here). The function tex2html_wrap_inline2048 presents four peaks. The two external ones are due to photon bias. The two central ones contain information about the relative position. Their asymmetry is in the opposite sense than those of the secondary peaks of the CC

The signs of s and tex2html_wrap_inline1982 are the same because the denominator of Eq. (31) is positive. The relative position of the stars can then be retrieved in spite of the photon bias. Results of a simulation are shown in Fig. 5 (click here).

3.4. Subtracting the photon bias

The frequency-dependent bias terms in the expression of tex2html_wrap_inline1952 can easily be removed by subtracting the photodetected power spectrum tex2html_wrap_inline2064, whose expression is derived from Aime et al. (1992) and is valid in the case where the high-light level mean is zero
From Eq. (24 (click here)) it appears that
This bias is quite easy to remove when processing real data. tex2html_wrap_inline1952 and tex2html_wrap_inline2064 are computed directly from the data, then subtracted. The remaining bias is the constant tex2html_wrap_inline2070 and can be estimated beyond the cutoff frequency.

The efficiency of this bias subtraction is shown in Fig. 6. It is a simulation of 10000 photon-counting specklegrams (50 photons/image) of a double star with a separation of 10 pixels and an intensity ratio of 0.5. As expected, the major improvement of the bias subtraction is to restore the asymmetry of the cross-correlation's secondary two peaks, thus allowing a better diagnostic of the relative position of the two stars.

3.5. Clipping conditions

Some photon-counting detectors have centroiding electronics which compute in real time the photon coordinates and cannot distinguish between one photon and more photons which have come onto a given pixel during the integration time. Intensities on the specklegrams are then thresholded to "1'' and this is what we call "clipping''. Such images are then equal to their square and the CC is equal to the AC. The asymmetry is lost.

We propose computing alternative quantities to solve this problem. The first one is:
If tex2html_wrap_inline2072 is small compared to the speckle size, but larger than the "centreur hole'' size (Foy 1987), I(x) and tex2html_wrap_inline2076 are correlated enough to provide tex2html_wrap_inline2046 with the same properties than the CC.

The following function may also be computed but it requires the knowledge of the star separation d:

Figure 8a-d): Simulation of clipped photon-counting specklegrams. 1000 frames have been simulated for a double star of separation 10 pixels and intensity ratio 0.5. 1000 frames of a point source have also been simulated. Parameters of the simulation are: telescope diameter: 2.60m, Fried parameter: 30cm, wavelength: 500 nm and number of photons per frame: 200 (each frame is tex2html_wrap_inline2082 pixels). a) is the function tex2html_wrap_inline2046 of the double star divided by those of the reference star. Curve b) is a slice along the tex2html_wrap_inline1880 axis. c) and d) are the same for the function tex2html_wrap_inline2048. The two peaks (1) and (2) give the information about the relative position of the stars (brighter star on the left in this simulation). The other peaks of tex2html_wrap_inline2090 are ghosts due to photon bias

Figure 9: Simulation of 100 specklegrams of a double star with the same parameters than Fig. 3. The image size is tex2html_wrap_inline2092. Left: a typical specklegram. the white square on the left figure demarcates a sub-image of tex2html_wrap_inline2094 centered on the photocenter of the speckle pattern. The full-width-middle height of the speckle pattern shape is tex2html_wrap_inline2096 pixels. Right: a cut of the object's CC tex2html_wrap_inline1704 after deconvolution by a reference star's CC computed from 100 specklegrams. Dashed line: computation on the whole images, full line: computation on the sub-images. In both cases, the mean of the specklegrams has been estimated as the average of the intensity on the image, then subtracted. The CC computed on the whole images gives an intensity ratio tex2html_wrap_inline2100. For the sub-images, the statistical mean is almost constant: the CC is almost unbiased and the ratio of the two secondary peaks gives tex2html_wrap_inline2102 (actual value is 0.5)

These two functions correspond to slices of the triple correlation: tex2html_wrap_inline2104 and tex2html_wrap_inline2106. In order to understand the behavior of these quantities, we have computed the triple correlation tex2html_wrap_inline2034 of clipped photon-counting specklegrams of a double star, for fully-developed speckle patterns. In that case the complex amplitude at the focal plane is a Gaussian random variable and analytical expressions can be obtained for the clipped TC (Aristidi et al. 1995). Figure 7 (click here) shows the TC and the functions tex2html_wrap_inline2046 and tex2html_wrap_inline2048 for the Gaussian hypothesis. The function tex2html_wrap_inline2046 has the same behavior than the unclipped CC: two asymmetrical peaks giving the couple orientation. The function tex2html_wrap_inline2048 is a bit more complicated. It should present two asymmetrical peaks separated d (asymmetry is the opposite of those of the CC) but there are also two "ghosts'' at spatial lags tex2html_wrap_inline2120 caused by photon bias. Simulations have been performed on clipped photon-counting specklegrams. The results, presented in Fig. 8 agree with the analytical model.

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