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1. Introduction

Processing binary stars by speckle interferometry (Labeyrie 1970) leads to a 180tex2html_wrap_inline1698 ambiguity in the measured position angle (PA). This is known as "quadrant ambiguity''. Several techniques of speckle imaging can solve the problem, among which the techniques of Knox-Thompson (Knox & Thompson 1974), shift-and-add (Bates 1982) and speckle masking (Weigelt 1991). A review of these techniques has been made by Roddier (Roddier 1988). As they aim to reconstruct the image of any extended object from its specklegrams, these techniques usually require a lot of computer resources and processing time. They are not really well adapted to the double star problem: observers want to measure the separation and the PA of many stars a night and need a fast (near real-time) processing. Several techniques have been suggested for this purpose; for example the Directed Vector Autocorrelation (Bagnuolo et al. 1992) which provides both the separation and absolute PA, the "fork'' algorithm (Bagnuolo 1988) based on the analysis of four equidistant points in the double star's specklegrams or the probability imaging technique (Carbillet 1996b) based on the computation of twofold probability density functions of the specklegrams. These later techniques require a prior knowledge of the star separation which is usually measured from the power spectrum.

We propose a technique based upon the computation of a quantity very close to the autocorrelation function (AC): the cross-correlation (CC) between the specklegrams and their square. This function can be written as a slice of the triple correlation obtained for a speckle masking vector equal to zero. It is a two-dimensional function. For a double star, this quantity at first glance looks like the AC: a central peak surrounded by two smaller ones. These secondary peaks, identical in the AC, are asymmetric for the CC, allowing a quick diagnostic of the relative position of the two stars. The CC is almost as easy to compute as the AC, does not require the prior estimation of the power spectrum, and is then suitable for real-time processing. It also permits, under some hypothesis which will be developed in the text, the determination of the magnitude difference between the stars.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2.1 defines the statistical function we use, and derives relevant expressions for the double star. Section 2.2 describes the technique proposed to process real star data. We shall see in particular that the object-image convolution relation valid for the AC does not apply here and we propose a solution to overcome this difficulty. Section 3 is devoted to low-light level and photon bias. Application of the CC technique is investigated for clipped photon-counting specklegrams (where the number of detected photons
is "0'' or "1'').

Figure 1: Schematic representation of a double star O(x) (left), its AC tex2html_wrap_inline1702 (middle) and the CC tex2html_wrap_inline1704 between O(x) and its square (right). The arrows represent Dirac delta distributions. Note the asymmetry of the CC, where the ratio between the intensities of the two peaks in (-d) and (+d) is exactly the intensity ratio of the stars

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