Up: Abstract
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 142, 475-497
Rovibrational excitation of HD molecules by He atoms
E. Roueff - C.J. Zeippen
Send offprint request: E. Roueff
UMR 8631, associée au CNRS et à l'Université Paris 7, et
DAEC, Observatoire de Paris, F-92195 Meudon, France
Received December 21, 1999; accepted January 13, 2000
Rate coefficients for rovibrational transitions induced in HD by collisions
with He are presented. Full quantum mechanical treatment has been used with
the interaction potential surface calculated by Muchnick & Russek
1994]). The vibrational
v = 1
0 quenching rates
of HD
due to various perturbers are compared up to temperatures of 1500 K.
The influence of vibrationally excited channels on the pure rotational
excitation cross sections is shown to be negligible.
Key words: atomic data -- atomic processes
Up: Abstract
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