We carried out laboratory tests with off-the-shelves integrated optics components designed for micro-sensor applications. The waveguides are made by ion exchange (here potassium or silver) on a standard glass substrate thanks to photolithography techniques [Schanen-Duport et al. (1996)]. The exchanged area is analogous to the core of an optical fiber and the glass substrate to the fiber cladding. Our component is schematically depicted in the right part of Fig. 1. We use it as a two-way beam combiner with two photometric calibration signals. The component operates in the H atmospheric band (1.43 - 1.77 ) and its waveguides are single-mode in that domain. From an optical point of view, the reverse Y-junction acts as one of the two outputs of a classical beam splitter. The second part of the interferometric signal with a phase shift is radiated at large scale in the substrate. Light is carried to the component thanks to standard non-birefringent silica fibers.
We have set up a laboratory Mach-Zehnder interferometer to test the interferometric capabilities of our components (see the left part of Fig. 1). The available sources are: a 1.54-He-Ne laser, a 1.55-laser diode and an halogen white-light source. The latter is used with an astronomical H filter.
We scan the interferograms by modulating the optical path difference (OPD) with four points per fringe. The delay line speed is restricted by the integration time (1 ms for laser sources and 10 ms for the white-light source to get a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio) and the frame rate (50 ms of read-out time for the full frame). The OPD scan and the data acquisition are not synchronized, but for each image the translating stage provides a position with an accuracy of 0.3 . The simultaneous recording of the photometric and interferometric signals allows to unbias the fringe contrast from the photometric fluctuations as suggested by [Connes et al. (1984)] and validated by [Coudé du Foresto (1994)].
A typical white light interferogram I0 is plotted in
Fig. 2a together with the simultaneous photometric signals
P1 and P2. To correct the raw interferogram from the photometric
fluctuations, we substract a linear combination of P1 and P2 from
I0. The expression of the corrected interferogram is then
(1) |
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