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5 Spectra with different resolving powers

  Another interesting comparison, suggested by our referee, is the processing of spectra with different resolving powers. For such an investigation we selected $\alpha$ Cas. Information taken from a spectrum generally depends on resolving power, but an equivalent width does not, while our technique is in principle independent on the resolving power. Moreover, the correctness of the continuum location can be tested using spectra with different resolving powers. In Table 11 we summarized the results obtained in very similar wavelength intervals (approximately 6300 Å - 6700 Å) using spectra acquired with different resolving powers. From the table it turns out that the results obtained with different spectrograms (specially metallicity) do not depend on the resolving power.

Table 11: Parameters of $\alpha$ Cas obtained from spectra with different resolving powers. For this calculation we applied POSMARCS models

$R$&$T_{\mathrm{eff}}$[K]&$\log g$&$v_{\mathrm{t...
 ...045 \\ 50000 & 4500 & 1.81 & 2.35 & $-0.06$\space & 0.069 \\ \hline\end{tabular}

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