In the case of the LECS, we present 3 ways of subtracting the background. An estimate of the systematic uncertainty associated with background subtraction may be obtained by comparing results obtained using the different methods.
This is the simplest approach since the standard background includes
the contribution from the high (>) galactic
latitude CXB and the NXB. Since the standard
background has a longer accumulation time (558.6 ks) than individual BeppoSAX observations, this method does not usually add significant noise.
Since the standard background varies with position within the
FOV (Fig. 3), the background spectrum should
be accumulated using the same extraction region as the source.
Note that this technique will underestimate the low-energy background
for pointings in directions with bright Galactic emission
such as the North Polar Spur (see Sect. 4).
This technique has the following steps:
-CIRCLE(128.0,128.0,80.0) -CIRCLE(128.0,128.0,62.85) -BOX(64.0,192.0,128.0,128.0) -BOX(192.0,64.0,128.0,128.0).
ROSAT PSPC all-sky survey diffuse background maps are available
in 7 energy bands with a pixel size of covering
98% of the sky.
The effects of discrete source counts, non X-ray contamination and
X-rays of solar system
origin have been eliminated to the greatest possible extent.
The contributions of all the sources listed in Table 4
have been excluded.
These maps can be used to predict the variation
with pointing position of the LECS background.
The PSPC count rates closest to the centers of each of the fields
included in the LECS standard background were first determined.
The mean, LECS exposure weighted, PSPC 0.1-2.5 keV count rate
s-1 arcmin-2.
In order to understand how best to model the
PSPC data from different sky positions,
7 channel PSPC spectra were determined for the fields given
in Tables 2 and 4.
These were then fit with a number of different
models including power-laws, thermal bremsstrahlungs, broken power-laws
with the hard component fixed at 1.4 (the value
expected above 1 keV), and power-laws with
,together with thermal components. In all cases low-energy absorption
was included. It was found that (1) the power-law and
(2) the fixed power-law together with a thermal component give
consistently the best fits for almost all the fields.
These two models are therefore used in the
background analysis except for the Gal cent-3 field, where a
broken power-law, with hard index
fixed at 1.4 is preferred.
In order to use this technique to predict the LECS background spectrum at a particular pointing position, the following steps are necessary:
The LECS CXB spectrum is discussed in a companion paper
(Parmar et al 1999). In the 0.1-7.0 keV energy range it is
well modeled by an absorbed power-law together with two
solar abundance thermal bremsstrahlung components
(the MEKAL model in XSPEC).
When this model is fit to the exposure weighted PSPC
spectrum corresponding to the standard background, the best-fit
results are a power-law of 1.48 with normalization of
photon cm-2 s-1 keV-1,
a hard bremsstrahlung
component temperature (kT) of 0.80 keV with normalization of
photon cm-5, and a soft bremsstrahlung
component kT of 0.159 keV with normalization of
photon cm-5. For both absorbed models,
equivalent to
atom cm-2 is required.
These fit parameters should be used to generate the predicted
standard LECS background spectrum.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)