In addition, the Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, in Garching will make the 7 energy channel source subtracted PSPC maps available through the World Wide Web so that users can use the scaled ROSAT background subtraction technique.
The BeppoSAX satellite is a joint Italian-Dutch programme. M. Guainazzi, T. Oosterbroek, and A. Orr acknowledge ESA Fellowships and N. Shane the ESA stagiaire programme. We thank F. Fiore for pointing out the importance of single reflection X-rays to this study, and S. Molendi and S. Snowden for helpful discussions. The support of M. Werger and O.R. Williams in maintaining the SSD BeppoSAX archive is appreciated. Finally, we thank all the BeppoSAX Principal Investigators who allowed their data to be used for this study prior to them becoming public.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)