Up: Narrow-band imaging and a nebulae
Narrow-band images (H and [O III] 5007Å) of eight
PN (Table 1) have been taken with the 2.2 m telescope and CAFOS (SITe-1d CCD,
2048 2048 24 m px,
1 px = projected at the sky) at
the Calar Alto observatory (only MWP1) in August 1996 and with the 1.54 m
Danish telescope and DFOSC (LORAL/LESSER CCD, 2052 2052 15 m px,
1 px = ) at ESO (ESO No. 61.C-0101) in July 1998.
Table 1:
List of our observed PN.
The field sizes (fs) of the images shown as well as the measured angular
nebula diameters (faintest visible part of the main nebula on the
H images) d in West-East () and North-South direction () are given.
: For the elliptical nebulae MWP1 and
NGC1360 the diameters are given for their axis in NW-SE/SE-NW direction. The
exposure times (t in sec) were the same for both the H as well as the
[O III] 5007Å images. In the case of A43 two Himages were taken and co-added. The figure numbers (F) refer to the figures in
this paper. All PNe are shown with North up and East left on a linear
intensity scale
A search for PN around hot (pre-) white dwarfs had been performed in October
1997 at ESO with the 1.54 m Danish telescope and DFOSC (ESO No. 60.C-0376). Himages with an exposure time of one hour had been taken. A list of observed objects is
given in Table 2.
For the data reduction we used IRAF (Tody 1986). All images were
flatfielded using suitable sky flats.
Up: Narrow-band imaging and a nebulae
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)