Up: Narrow-band imaging and a nebulae
Narrow-band images (H
and [O III]
5007Å) of eight
PN (Table 1) have been taken with the 2.2 m telescope and CAFOS (SITe-1d CCD,
2048 24
m px,
1 px =
projected at the sky) at
the Calar Alto observatory (only MWP1) in August 1996 and with the 1.54 m
Danish telescope and DFOSC (LORAL/LESSER CCD, 2052
2052 15
m px,
1 px =
) at ESO (ESO No. 61.C-0101) in July 1998.
Table 1:
List of our observed PN.
The field sizes (fs) of the images shown as well as the measured angular
nebula diameters (faintest visible part of the main nebula on the
images) d in West-East (
) and North-South direction (
) are given.
: For the elliptical nebulae MWP1 and
NGC1360 the diameters are given for their axis in NW-SE/SE-NW direction. The
exposure times (t in sec) were the same for both the H
as well as the
5007Å images. In the case of A43 two H
images were taken and co-added. The figure numbers (F) refer to the figures in
this paper. All PNe are shown with North up and East left on a linear
intensity scale
A search for PN around hot (pre-) white dwarfs had been performed in October
1997 at ESO with the 1.54 m Danish telescope and DFOSC (ESO No. 60.C-0376). H
images with an exposure time of one hour had been taken. A list of observed objects is
given in Table 2.
For the data reduction we used IRAF
(Tody 1986). All images were
flatfielded using suitable sky flats.
Up: Narrow-band imaging and a nebulae
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)