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4 Presentation of the results

Determinations of the heliocentric radial velocity $v_{\rm hel}$, of $\sigma_0$, and of $V_{\rm max}$ (together with the corresponding radius $r_{\rm max}$) are listed in the last columns of Table 1. The V(r) and $\sigma(r)$ profiles are presented in Fig. 1, and also in Table 3, which is proposed in electronic form only. As in Paper III, we have adopted the following convention for the position angle PA: for $0<{\rm PA}<180\hbox{$^\circ$}$, r<0 corresponds to the eastern side of the galaxy, for $180<{\rm PA}<360\hbox{$^\circ$}$, r<0 corresponds to the western side, and for ${\rm PA}=0\hbox{$^\circ$}$, r<0 is to the North. Tables 1 through 3 are available from the CDS.

\includegraphics [height=22cm]{ds1526f1.eps}
\end{center}\vspace{1cm}\end{figure} Figure 1: Profiles of rotation velocities and velocity dispersions

Our results are summarized as follows:

The data presented here, together whith those of the preceding papers of the series, are available in the HYPERCAT on-line catalog browser (Prugniel et al. 1998), at


We are endebted to the telescope operators at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence for their help in collecting the data. We thank the referee, G. Busarello, for his careful correction of the first version of the manuscript. We have made use of the Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database operated by the LEDA team.

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Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)