Up: Kinematical data on early-type IV.
As in Papers I to III, standard pre-processing was applied to the raw data, up
to the rebinning in wavelength. The galaxy centers (r=0) were determined
by a Gaussian fitting to a limited range (
) around the
intensity peak. In the outer regions, cosmic-ray hits were removed with a
median filter, and adjacent lines were combined with a variable weighting
function (a Gaussian continuously wider faintward).
A Fourier-Fitting technique determined the central velocity
and, when possible, the radial profile
the dispersion, together with the projected rotation curve V(r) along the
major axis. A two-pass mode (described in Paper I) allowed to remove
cosmics on the inner lines, where the spatial resolution must be preserved.
We adopted as the systemic velocity the value measured at
r=0. Whenever possible, we have determined the maximum rotation velocity
, as the mean of representative values on the opposite semi-axes.
Up: Kinematical data on early-type IV.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)