A&A Supplement series, Vol. 128, February II 1998, 111-116
Received October 9, 1996; accepted June 16, 1997
S.-L. Kim - S.-W. Lee
Send offprint request: S.-L. Kim
Korea Astronomy Observatory, Taejon, 305-348, Korea
e-mail: slkim@seeru.boao.re.kr
Department of Astronomy, Seoul National University,
Seoul, 151-742, Korea
We present the results of real-time CCD differential photometry for the Scuti variable V 465 Per. The observations were performed for thirteen nights between November, 1994 and January, 1995. Total 3345 points of differential V magnitudes were collected during the observation period of 76.4 hours. From the Fourier analysis, we have detected four frequencies as follows; f1=14.040 c/d, f2=17.208 c/d, f3=33.259 c/d and f4=13.721 c/d. Two frequencies of 12.50 c/d and 33.49 c/d detected previously by Slovak (1978, ApJ 223, 192) may correspond to our f1 and f3, respectively. For each frequency, pulsation constants of , , and were derived from several observational properties of V 465 Per. Only the value of Q3 is found to be within the range of theoretical p-mode oscillations and the other ones show large differences relative to the theoretical values. The high Q-values might be interpreted as the occurrence of g-mode oscillations in V 465 Per, even though it can not rule out the possibility of systematic errors (Breger 1990; Delta Scuti Star Newsletter, 2, 13) related to rotational velocity.
keywords: stars: individual: V 465 Per -- stars: oscillations -- stars: Sct