The sources were observed with the MkIII infrared photometer (Glass 1985) on the SAAO 1.9-m telescope. A chopping secondary mirror defines two effective apertures: on-source (star) and off-source (background). Square apertures of 9'' or 12'' were used, depending on the seeing. A single observation module consisted of a 40 s integration, with the star placed alternately in the two apertures by nodding the telescope. These individual 40 s observations were then repeated, typically 2-4 times per filter, until a sufficient precision (standard error 0.01 magnitudes) was achieved. The observations were obtained in the SAAO JHK system (1.25, 1.65 & 2.2 microns; Carter 1990) in photometric conditions, transformations being affected from regular observations of IR standards.
The observations were carried out during the period December 1993 - November 1995 at approximately quarterly intervals. The result from the observation of each source taken on a good photometric night, and a measure of its variability are presented in Table 1 (click here).