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2. Observations and measurements

For the Potsdam programme of linking the proper motions of the provisional Hipparcos catalogue H37cr to an extragalactic reference system we used exclusively deep Schmidt plates (Table 1 (click here)). Most of these plates were taken with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope (134 cm aperture/200 cm diameter of the mirror/400 cm focal length). In addition, some plates from the Palomar (122/183/307) and UK (120/180/306) Schmidt telescopes were combined with Tautenburg plates (see Col. 4 of Table 1 (click here)). However, this combination of plates taken with different Schmidt telescopes and with different plate centres caused problems in the determination of accurate proper motions of the relatively bright Hipparcos link stars (see Sect. 3 (click here)). For each field, at least two first- and two second-epoch Schmidt plates were used. All plates of the same field were measured with the same measuring device.

Whereas the initial aim was to determine absolute proper motions of Hipparcos stars in 10 Tautenburg proper motion fields (cf. Dick et al. 1987), later on other fields from different Potsdam proper motion projects were included. The final sample of Hipparcos link fields consists of 7 fields from the MEGA programme (Schilbach 1988), 7 fields with globular clusters and 9 other fields with a sufficient number of galaxies as reference points. The results for one field (3C345) were kindly provided by Tucholke (1995) who also used deep Tautenburg plates. Two fields with dwarf spheroidal satellites (dSph) of the Galaxy (Scholz & Irwin 1994) were later excluded from the link due to large proper motion errors of the Hipparcos stars (see Sect. 3 (click here)). Altogether, the Hipparcos link fields with absolute proper motions based on deep Schmidt plates are well distributed over the northern sky (see Fig. 1 (click here)). Each field covers about 10 square degrees. The fields M3-Z (centered on the globular cluster) and M3-IV (with the cluster in the plate corner) overlap by about 25 per cent.

Among all available Hipparcos stars in each field only those with reliable measurements were selected for the proper motion determination (see Fig. 2 (click here)). The reliability of the measurements was estimated from the image parameters used in the classification of objects (APM, MAMA, PDS) and/or from the internal accuracy of the determined proper motions (comparison of independent results from different plate pairs). The number of the reference galaxies used per field varied in dependence on the Galactic latitude as well as on the measuring and reduction process (see Table 1 (click here)).


field R.A. Dec. number of measuring baseline number of all reliably finally
plates device [years] galaxies Hipparcos measured used stars
2J1991.25 stars H37cr stars (tex2html_wrap_inline1056)
M31  10.7  40.9 8T PARSEK 25   70 36  32  20
A193  21.4   7.9 4T PDS 21  150 23  13  11
M33  23.1  30.4 4T ASCORECORD 18   60 26  23  10
SNHoffm  37.2  31.6 4T PDS 29   30 23  15   4
MEGA01  62.0  30.9 4T MAMA 25  270 23  10   7
MEGA02  67.5   2.0 4T MAMA 19  120 22  12  11
MEGA04  78.5   5.1 4T MAMA 25   70 33  20  10
MEGA07  90.0  51.3 4T MAMA 25  130 30  20  14
Mrk4 100.4  74.9 4T PARSEK 22  100 33  17  10
MEGA10 116.6  26.1 4T MAMA 24   30 15  10   5
MEGA11 144.9  49.7 4T MAMA 19  190 32  15  13
Virgo2 186.9  12.0 4T APM 25  540 21  11   8
Virgo3 190.2  12.9 4T APM 24  680 32  10  10
MEGA14 191.3  29.9 4T MAMA 25  600 30  18  14
M3-Z 205.5  28.6 53T APM 30 1600 34  14  14
M3-IV 206.8  27.4 4T APM 22 1050 32   6   6
UMi 226.4  67.2 4P, 3T APM 35 1280 24   0   0
M5 229.7   2.0 2P, 1UK, 5T APM 38 1160 38  15  14
M13 250.4  36.6 4T ASCORECORD 21   50 36  25  20
3C345 250.6  39.8 11T PDS 20  120 28  17  16
M12 252.3 - 1.4 2P, 1UK, 2T APM 43 1380 24   7   6
A2255 258.8  63.9 4T PARSEK 18  190 25  14   7
M92 259.4  43.3 10T APM 26 2300 27   7   7
Draco 260.2  58.1 4P, 3T APM 37  820 18   0   0
M15 322.3  12.2 2P, 6T APM 24  510 28  11  11
Mrk319 351.2  24.4 4T PDS 21   50 28  21  11
total 706+ 360* 256*

T - Tautenburg, P - Palomar, UK - AAO-Schmidt plates.
+ there are 15 common stars in the overlapping field of M3-Z and M3-IV, * 3 stars were measured in M3-Z and M3-IV.
Table 1: Link fields

Figure 2: Number of Hipparcos stars in 26 link fields. Solid line: all available Hipparcos stars, dotted line: stars of the provisional Hipparcos solution H37cr provided for the link, dashed line: selected stars from H37cr with reliable measurements. Only reliably measured stars with H37cr data and tex2html_wrap_inline1056 (on the right side of the dot-dashed line) were used in the final solution

The first three fields included in the Hipparcos extragalactic link programme were M33, M13 and M31 (Scholz 1991). The first two of them had been measured with the semi-automated measuring device ASCORECORD at the Lohrmann-Observatorium of the Technical University Dresden (Schilbach 1984), whereas the M31 field was measured with the automated measuring machine PARSEK at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences at Kiev (Sergeev & Schornikov 1984). All available Hipparcos stars, but only a limited number of visually classified galaxies could be measured with the ASCORECORD. The same was due for the PARSEK measuring machine which needs rough input coordinates of all objects to be measured. In later PARSEK measurements (fields Mrk 4 and A 2255) we used the image classification on APM-measured POSS1 plates to provide input coordinates of reference galaxies in these two fields. This image classification was visually checked during the automated PARSEK measurements.

For the majority of link fields the Schmidt plates were fully scanned by the automated measuring machines APM (Kibblewhite et al. 1984) at Cambridge, MAMA (Guibert 1983) at Paris and PDS (Horstmann et al. 1989) at Münster. In dependence on the available reduction software, the images and/or image parameters of the Hipparcos stars and of potential reference galaxies were investigated and a selection of well measured objects was made.

So we used standard APM software for the classification of all measured objects into stars, nonstellar objects, noise images and merged objects. In order to exclude those Hipparcos stars which were unreliably measured, only those images classified as stars on all plates were used in the proper motion determination. The reference galaxies were selected according to their classification on the deepest plates. The measurements were corrected for the known periodic errors of the APM (Evans 1988; Evans & Irwin 1995).

The reduction of the MAMA measurements is described in Kharchenko & Schilbach (1994). For the classification of the measured objects the MAMA image parameters were used (Schilbach & Scholz 1991, 1992).

APM and MAMA measurements of the same two plates were used for a comparison of the accuracy of both machines (Schilbach & Scholz 1992). A somewhat better accuracy for bright stars (in the magnitude range of the Hipparcos catalogue) was found for the MAMA measurements. On the other hand the faint objects (i.e. in the magnitude interval of the reference galaxies) were more accurately measured by the APM.

In the case of PDS measurements we took advantage of the specific output data in the Münster software (Horstmann et al. 1989), i.e. both image parameters and pixel data for each measured object. Due to the special output data format, both automatic image classification and visual check of the measured images are possible. In the proper motion determination we preferred to use those reference galaxies classified by both procedures. Among the measured Hipparcos stars we selected for further reduction only those fitted by a Gaussian profile on all plates.

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