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3. Results and discussion

To properly resolve the complex autoionizing resonances in the collision cross sections for each transition, we have utilized a very fine mesh of incident impact energies (tex2html_wrap_inline23250.0002 Ryd in the vicinity of the threshold regions). The detailed resonances located below the highest-lying target state threshold included in the present calculation (2s22p23stex2html_wrap_inline1775Stex2html_wrap_inline1721) are true structures, whereas those found at energies above this level (8.96 Ryd) are pseudo-resonances arising due to our inclusion of pseudo-orbitals in the wavefunction representation (Burke et al. 1981). For increasing temperatures this high impact energy region becomes much more important, hence it is necessary to average over the pseudo-resonances to prevent distortion of the results when the thermal averaging is performed.

Figure 1: Collision strength as a function of incident electron energy in Rydbergs, and the effective collision strength as a function of log temperature in Kelvin, for the 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1663Stex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347 a) and b) and 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1663Stex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s2ptex2html_wrap_inline1683Ptex2html_wrap_inline2359 c) and d) fine-structure transitions

In Table 5 the effective collision strengths for all 253 possible independent transitions in MgVI are presented for a wide range of electron temperatures (log T(K) = 5.0 - log T(K) = 6.1). The index values assigned to the fine-structure levels in Table 3 (click here) are utilized again here to denote a particular transition. It is very difficult to gauge the behavior of the effective collision strengths from such a large table. Hence, in order to illustrate the physical effects more clearly, we have chosen four particular transitions all involving the 2s22p3 ground state configuration of MgVI.

In Figs. 1 (click here) and 2 (click here) we plot the collision strength as a function of incident electron energy in Rydbergs, and the corresponding effective collision strength as a function of log temperature in Kelvin, for each of the four transitions considered. Figures 1 (click here)a and b show the results obtained for the 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1663Stex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347 fine-structure forbidden transition. The low-energy collision strength is dominated by a mass of resonance structure which results in a slightly enhanced effective collision strength in the low temperature region. Such enhancements due to resonances converging to the target state thresholds is a common characteristic for forbidden transitions and has been consistently found by Ramsbottom et al. (1994, 1995, 1996a, 1997) when investigating electron-impact excitation of NIV, NeVII, SII and ArIV respectively. It is difficult to gauge by how much the resonances have enhanced the effective collision strength due to the lack of other theoretical data available for comparison. Also common for forbidden transitions of this kind is the decrease in the effective collision strength as the temperature increases.

In Figs. 1 (click here)c and d we present the collision strength and the corresponding effective collision strength for the dipole-allowed 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1663Stex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s2ptex2html_wrap_inline1683Ptex2html_wrap_inline2359 fine-structure transition. The most noticeable feature is the absence of resonance structure in the collision cross section across the entire range of electron-impact energies. This leads to an almost constant effective collision strength in the low temperature region. Contributions from the high-partial waves L>12, however, become more and more important as the temperature increases, resulting in a larger effective collision strength at the high temperatures. This behavior is common for dipole-allowed transitions of this kind. In contrast the collision strength plotted in Fig. 2 (click here)a for the allowed 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Dtex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s2ptex2html_wrap_inline1695Dtex2html_wrap_inline2359 fine-structure transition has an abundance of resonance structure in the low-energy region superimposed on an almost constant background cross section. The corresponding effective collision strength for this transition, plotted in Fig. 2 (click here)b, is as expected significantly enhanced in the low temperature region by the presence of these autoionizing resonances converging to the target state thresholds. The characteristic rise of the effective collision strength for this allowed transition is again evident in the high temperature region.

Figure 2: Collision strength as a function of incident electron energy in Rydbergs, and the effective collision strength as a function of log temperature in Kelvin, for the 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Dtex2html_wrap_inline1679 - 2s2ptex2html_wrap_inline1695Dtex2html_wrap_inline2359 a) and b) and 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347 - 2ptex2html_wrap_inline1735Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347 c) and d) fine-structure transitions

Finally in Figs. 2 (click here)c and d we present the results for the remaining forbidden transition considered, the 2s22ptex2html_wrap_inline1689Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347 - 2ptex2html_wrap_inline1735Ptex2html_wrap_inline2347. The absence of autoionizing resonances in the collision strength and the almost constant background cross section leads to a uniform
effective collision strength across the entire temperature range considered. At the higher temperatures, however, the effective collision strength does seem to be decreasing which is characteristic for a forbidden transition. Evidently there is a need for a further sophisticated theoretical calculation to verify the results presented here in the absence of a meaningful comparison.

The MgVI emission lines in the solar spectrum should be routinely detected by both the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) instruments on the Solar and Heliosphere Observatory, which cover the wavelength regions 150 - 800 Å and 500 - 1600 Å, respectively (Harrison et al. 1995; Wilhelm et al. 1995). In the near future we therefore intend to compare CDS/SUMER observations with MgVI theoretical line strengths generated using our atomic data, to investigate the usefulness of the lines as diagnostics.

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