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Up: New proper-motion stars

1. Introduction

First epoch plates for a proper-motion program were taken in 1969-1970 using the 70/100/210 cm Double Meniscus Maksutov Astrograph at Estación Astronómica de Cerro El Roble de la Universidad de Chile by H. Potter and A. Lokalov. The 164 southern hemisphere areas of the program were selected by A.N. Deutsch, according to the criterion of having enough galaxies to be used as a local reference frame. Although the proper motion program assumes a minimum time-base of 20 years, in August 1985 we began taking second-epoch plates of the areas south of declination tex2html_wrap_inline1077, with the purpose of searching for large proper motion stars. These southern areas were chosen because the Bruce Proper Motion Survey, the principal source south of declination tex2html_wrap_inline1079 of the LHS proper motion Catalogue (Luyten 1979), reaches only to about m=16, and our plates limit is approximately m=20. A time-base of 15 to 20 years has been shown to be adequate for determining, from plates with scale 100 arcsec/mm, proper motions equal to or larger than 0.15 arcsec/year for stars fainter than 10 and brighter than 20 photographic magnitude.

The present work is the fifth part of a program determining proper motion of southern stars. In this part, we do not include the Luyten Catalogue stars found in this survey. The work includes 21 areas, each with two plate pairs. Some areas have a fraction of the tex2html_wrap_inline1085 degrees flat field overlapped. Figure 1 (click here) shows the distribution of the searched areas on the sky. Table 1 (click here) gives the coordinates of the centers of the areas for 1950.0 and the time-base in years corresponding to each plate pair.

Figure 1: The searched areas

Table 1: The areas

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)