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2. Observational material, reduction procedure and errors

The areas were exposed 30 minutes on Kodak 103a-0 plates and 40 minutes on baked Kodak IIIa-J plates, near culmination and in good seeing conditions.

Large proper motion stars were identified with a Zeiss-Jena plate blink comparator, and their coordinates were determined to 1 micron (0.1 arcsec at the plate scale) with the two-coordinates Zeiss-Jena Ascorecord measuring machine, both of the Observatorio Astronómico de Cerro Calán.

In each area, 35 to 40 reference stars uniformly distributed over the plates, were selected having magnitudes about 16. A six term quadratic equation was used in each coordinate:
A similar one was used for y.

tex2html_wrap_inline1139 is the movement detected in x between the first and second epoch plates of each pair, tex2html_wrap_inline1143 is the annual proper motion in x and T is the time-base. To determine the constants, the reference stars were selected from those with no detectable proper motion, such that tex2html_wrap_inline1149.

In computing proper motions, reference stars giving residuals equal to or greater than 0.9 arcsec in x or y were discarded. The annual proper motions in x and in y were calculated for J2000.0, from which the total proper motions and position angles were determined.

The total annual proper motions and the position angles, given in Table 2 (click here) are the means of the two values obtained from the plates pairs. Twenty-six proper-motion stars are common to two overlapped areas; for them the results given in Table 2 (click here) (indicated by (*) in column Remarks) correspond to the means of the values obtained from four plate pairs. The stars indicated by (1), (2) and (3) are probably companions of LTT 3462, LTT 3528 and Perth 10627 respectively, as it could be inferred just from proper motions and position angles.

Photographic magnitudes, accurate to 0.5 magnitude, were determined using the photoelectric sequence of Ardeberg et al. (1987).

The determination of positions and the computation of error in proper motions were explained in Wroblewski et al. (1989).

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