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MeV Gamma-Ray Source Contribution to the Inner Galactic Diffuse Emission

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MeV Gamma-ray imaging spectroscopic observation for Galactic Centre and Cosmic Background MeV gammas by SMILE-2+ Balloon Experiment

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Development and performance verification of a 3-D position-sensitive Compton camera for imaging MeV gamma rays

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Imprints of cosmic rays in multifrequency observations of the interstellar emission

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Toru Tanimori, Atsushi Takada, Yoshitaka Mizumura, Shotaro Komura, Tetsuro Kishimoto, Shinya Sonoda, Yuta Nakamura, Taito Takemura, Kei Yoshikawa, Tomoyuki Tanigushi, Ken Onozaka, Kaname Saito, Tetsuya Mizumoto, Hidetoshi Kubo, Yoshihiro Matsuoka, Yuma Nakamasu, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kentaro Miuchi, T. Sawano, Jan-Willem A. den Herder, Kazuhiro Nakazawa and Shouleh Nikzad
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Scientific Performance of a Nano-satellite MeV Telescope

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Possible gamma-ray burst radio detections by the Square Kilometre Array. New perspectives

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Comptonization of Cosmic Microwave Background by Cold Ultrarelativistic Electron-Positron Pulsar Wind and Origin of ~130 GeV Lines

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Jan-Willem A. den Herder, Tadayuki Takahashi, Marshall Bautz, V. Tatischeff, M. Tavani, P. von Ballmoos, L. Hanlon, U. Oberlack, A. Aboudan, A. Argan, D. Bernard, A. Brogna, A. Bulgarelli, A. Bykov, R. Campana, P. Caraveo, M. Cardillo, P. Coppi, A. De Angelis, R. Diehl, I. Donnarumma, V. Fioretti, A. Giuliani, I. Grenier, J. E. Grove, et al.
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The first demonstration of the concept of “narrow-FOV Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera”

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Applications for New Scintillator Technologies in Gamma Ray Astronomy

Mark L. McConnell, Peter F. Bloser, Jason Legere and James M. Ryan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 763 012008 (2016)

Performance of a new Electron-Tracking Compton Camera under intense radiations from a water target irradiated with a proton beam

Y. Matsuoka, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, et al.
Journal of Instrumentation 10 (01) C01053 (2015)


T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, A. Takada, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 810 (1) 28 (2015)

New readout and data-acquisition system in an electron-tracking Compton camera for MeV gamma-ray astronomy (SMILE-II)

T. Mizumoto, Y. Matsuoka, Y. Mizumura, et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 800 40 (2015)

Tadayuki Takahashi, Jan-Willem A. den Herder, Mark Bautz, A. Takada, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, J. D. Parker, T. Mizumoto, Y. Mizumura, T. Sawano, K. Nakamura, Y. Matsuoka, S. Komura, S. Nakamura, M. Oda, K. Miuchi and S. Kurosawa
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T. Sawano, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, A. Takada, J. D. Parker, T. Mizumoto, S. Sonoda, Y. Mizumura, D. Tomono, K. Nakamura, Y. Matsuoka, S. Komura, Y. Sato, S. Nakamura, K. Miuchi, S. Kabuki, Y. Kishimoto, S. Kurosawa, S. Iwaki, M. Tanaka, M Ikeno and T. Uchida

Tadayuki Takahashi, Jan-Willem A. den Herder, Mark Bautz, C. A. Kierans, S. E. Boggs, A. Lowell, J. Tomsick, A. Zoglauer, M. Amman, J.-L. Chiu, H.-K. Chang, C.-H. Lin, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, C.-Y. Yang, J.-R. Shang, C.-H. Tseng, Y. Chou and Y.-H. Chang
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Yoshiyuki Inoue, Kohta Murase, Grzegorz M. Madejski and Yasunobu Uchiyama
The Astrophysical Journal 776 (1) 33 (2013)

Gamma electron vertex imaging and application to beam range verification in proton therapy

Chan Hyeong Kim, Jin Hyung Park, Hee Seo and Han Rim Lee
Medical Physics 39 (2) 1001 (2012)

Development of the balloon-borne sub-MeV gamma-ray Compton camera using an electron-tracking gaseous TPC and a scintillation camera

K Ueno, T Mizumoto, K Hattori, et al.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (01) C01088 (2012)

A. Takada, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, S. Kabuki, J. D. Parker, Y. Kishimoto, T. Mizumoto, K. Ueno, S. Kurosawa, S. Iwaki, T. Sawano, K. Taniue, K. Nakamura, N. Higashi, Y. Matsuoka, S. Komura and Y. Sato
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A Research on the Characteristics of Light Variation of Blazar 3C 273 in 2–10keV

Xiao Wu, Zhi-Min Liu, Da-Hai Yan, Kun-Sen Bao and Ben-Zhong Dai
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics 35 (1) 10 (2011)


Atsushi Takada, Hidetoshi Kubo, Hironobu Nishimura, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 733 (1) 13 (2011)

S. Kabuki, H. Kimura, H. Amano, Y. Nakamoto, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, S. Kurosawa, M. Takahashi, Hidekazu Kawashima, Masashi Ueda, Tomohisa Okada, Koichi Ogawa, Kaori Togashi, Hideo Saji and Toru Tanimori
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The spectral energy distribution of the central parsecs of the nearest AGN

M. A. Prieto, J. Reunanen, K. R. W. Tristram, et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 402 (2) 724 (2010)

Stellar reaction rate forMg22+p→Al23from the asymptotic normalization coefficient in the mirror nuclear systemNe22+n→Ne23

T. Al-Abdullah, F. Carstoiu, X. Chen, et al.
Physical Review C 81 (3) (2010)

S. Kabuki, H. Kimura, H. Amano, Y. Nakamoto, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, S. Kurosawa, M. Takahashi, H. Kawashima, M. Ueda, T. Okada, K. Ogawa, K. Togashi, H. Saji and T. Tanimori
2813 (2009)

The Observation of Diffuse Cosmic and Atmospheric Gamma Rays with an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera Loaded on a Balloon

Atsushi Takada, Hidetoshi Kubo, Hironobu Nishimura, et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (Suppl.A) 161 (2009)

The Slow X-Ray Expansion of the Northwestern Rim of the Supernova Remnant RX J0852.0–4622

S. Katsuda, H. Tsunemi and K. Mori
The Astrophysical Journal 678 (1) L35 (2008)

S. Kabuki, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, S. Kurosawa, H. Kimura, R. Kohara, O. Miyazaki, T. Nakazawa, T. Shirahata, E. Yamamoto, A. Kubo, E. Kunieda, T. Nakahara, H. Amano, H. Kawashima, M. Ueda, T. Okada, Y. Nakamoto, K. Ogawa, K. Togashi, H. Saji and T. Tanimori
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S. Kabuki, K. Hattori, H. Kawashima, H. Kimura, R. Kohara, A. Kubo, H. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, E. Kunieda, K. Miuchi, O. Miyazaki, T. Nagayoshi, T. Nakahara, Y. Nakamoto, T. Nakazawa, H. Nishimura, K. Ogawa, T. Okada, Y. Okada, R. Orito, H. Saji, H. Sekiya, T. Shirahata, A. Takada, T. Tanimori, et al.
3395 (2007)

Performance study of Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton telescopes with Monte Carlo simulation

Hirokazu Odaka, Shin’ichiro Takeda, Shin Watanabe, et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 579 (2) 878 (2007)

A. Takada, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, K. Tsuchiya, S. Kabuki, H. Nishimura, K. Hattori, K. Ueno, S. Kurosawa, N. Nonaka, E. Mizuta, R. Orito and T. Nagayoshi
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Testing the inverse-Compton catastrophe scenario in the intra-day variable blazar S5 0716+71

L. Ostorero, S. J. Wagner, J. Gracia, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 451 (3) 797 (2006)

INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations towards the unidentified MeV source GRO J1411-64

D. F. Torres, S. Zhang, O. Reimer, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 457 (1) 257 (2006)

The radio to TeV orbital variability of the microquasar LS I +61 303

V. Bosch-Ramon, J. M. Paredes, G. E. Romero and M. Ribó
Astronomy & Astrophysics 459 (2) L25 (2006)

The Observed Galactic Annihilation Line: Possible Signature of Accreting Small‐Mass Black Holes in the Galactic Center

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INTEGRAL IBIS Census of the Sky Beyond 100 keV

A. Bazzano, J. B. Stephen, M. Fiocchi, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal 649 (1) L9 (2006)

Resonant absorption troughs in the gamma-ray spectra of QSO

A. F. Iyudin, O. Reimer, V. Burwitz, J. Greiner and A. Reimer
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Spectral constraints on unidentified EGRET gamma-ray sources from COMPTEL MeV observations

S. Zhang, W. Collmar, W. Hermsen and V. Schönfelder
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