The results of our search for dwarf galaxy candidates are presented in
Table 1. The table columns contain: (1) running number; (2) 1950.0 epoch
(upper line) and 2000.0 epoch (lower line) equatorial coordinates;
(3) major and minor diameters measured visually with an accuracy about 15%
on blue (upper line) and red (lower line) films, respectively;
(4) morphological type in the usual designations; (5) rough estimate of
the mean
surface brightness: H - high (22-23) mag/
L - low (
24 mag/
), VL - very low (
25 mag/
EL - extremely low (
26 mag/
(6) total apparent blue magnitude from the NASA Extragalactic Database
(= NED) and galactic extinction from Schlegel et al. (1998) in the upper and
lower lines, respectively; in many cases where
values are absent in NED
we estimated total blue magnitudes visually with an error of
0.5 mag
based on the galaxy dimension
and surface brightness; (7) galaxy name in other catalogues and lists
as given in NED; (8) comments concerning galaxy membership, morphology
and radial heliocentric velocity.
Figure 1 displays
images of 81 dwarf galaxy candidates taken from
the Digitized Sky Survey. The objects of extremely low surface brightness
are practically invisible on the DSS.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)