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2 Sample selection

Whilst these two regions have previously been surveyed in H I (Gavazzi 1987; Hoffman et al. 1996, and reference therein), H I data are still lacking for many galaxies. The present project is aimed at completing the H I observations of galaxies with available redshift measurements. The inclusion of galaxies detected in the UV (at 2000 Å) was meant as a first step towards the construction of a UV-selected galaxy sample complete in H I. Most of these are early types (E/S0), but with blue colors, and our aim was to see whether H I is present in them.

- Sample 1: Virgo cluster: 8 spirals from the VCC catalogue (Binggeli et al. 1985), 6 brighter than $B_{\rm T}=15$ and 3 of $B_{\rm T}$ $\sim$ 16, as well as 5 early-type galaxies;

- Sample 2: Coma/A1367 supercluster: 25 galaxies, practically all spirals brighter than $B_{\rm T}=15.7$, and 6 galaxies detected in the UV.

Basic optical data for the galaxies observed in H I are listed in Table 1. The coordinates listed were used as the actual pointing centres for the Nançay radio telescope observations. Morphological types were taken from the on-line LEDA and NED databases; blue apparent magnitudes, $B_{\rm T}$, isophotal blue diameters, D25, and optical velocities and their uncertainties, $V_{\rm opt}$, were taken from the mean data catalogued in LEDA.

Table 1: Basic data for the sample galaxies
Ident. R.A. Dec. Morphol. $B_{\rm T}$ D25 $V_{\rm opt}$ err $V_{\rm HI}$ $I_{\rm HI}$ W50 W20 ${M}_{\rm HI}$/LB rms
  (1950.0) NED LEDA mag ' km s-1 km s-1 km s-1 Jy km s-1 km s-1 km s-1 ${M}_{\odot}$/ $L_{\odot,B}$ mJy
Virgo cluster galaxies
VCC 1 12 05 46.8 13 57 42 S0 S0/a 14.8 0.55 2266 60   <2.2     <0.29 3.0
VCC 31 12 08 23.4 09 29 48     15.0 0.33 2215 60 2251 2.12 142 312 0.32 3.2
VCC 99 12 11 28.9 07 00 04 Sa Sab 14.9 0.94 2444 60   <2.5     <0.35 3.3
VCC 234 12 14 52.6 06 58 04 SA S0/a 13.0 2.63 2275 70   <1.8     <0.04 2.4
VCC 358 12 17 02.5 06 07 27 SB S0/a 13.7 0.91 2637 51   <8.1     <0.37 10.8
VCC 386 12 17 30.5 05 37 07 SAB SBa 14.9 0.95 2504 51 2380 7.33 268 287 0.82 3.7
VCC 781 12 22 42.6 12 59 30 S0 E/S0 14.7 0.91 -213 39   <2.6     <0.30 3.5
VCC 951 12 24 22.2 11 56 42 dE,N E/S0 14.2 1.17 2072 40   <2.2     <0.17 3.0
VCC 1174 12 26 45.8 10 12 46 BCD   15.8 0.24 11840             2.5
VCC 1237 12 27 19.5 14 08 38     16.1 0.58 -335 60   <4.0     <1.67 5.3
VCC 1327 12 28 25.9 12 32 50 E E 13.3 0.95 374 151   <4.5     <0.14 6.0
VCC 1348 12 28 43.9 12 36 28 dE E/S0 15.8 0.58 1968 259 basel.          
VCC 1491 12 30 42.4 13 08 00 dE So 15.2 0.89 1811 60   <2.0     <0.38 2.7
Coma cluster/A1367 galaxies            
CGCG 127-018 11 37 08.2 22 57 46 Sb Sbc 15.1 0.69 6935 9 6938 2.67 133 209 0.45 2.4
CGCG 127-039 11 40 54.9 23 17 23 Sbc Sc 15.1 0.58 6880   6919 2.79 42 167 0.46 2.1
CGCG 097-083 11 40 55.7 19 54 20 Sab   15.2 0.78 13102 30   <2.8     <0.51 3.7
CGCG 127-055 11 44 11.3 21 32 57 SAa   14.9 0.33 6665 74 6656 2.12 185 250 0.28 3.2
CGCG 157-044 11 48 48.0 27 03 45 Pec Sb 15.5 0.71 6610 60 6628 1.45 244 317 0.36 2.5
CGCG 127-138 11 59 21.8 21 01 34     15.5   7210 339   <2.0     <0.49 2.7
CGCG 098-067 12 06 07.3 18 14 04 Comp   15.7 0.21 7610 172   <2.9     <0.85 4.0
CGCG 098-071 12 07 02.5 18 05 21 Irr SBbc 15.1 0.89 6840 40 6881 2.12 123 156 0.36 3.7
CGCG 098-078 12 08 05.2 18 08 54 E   15.4 0.48 6824 45 6872 1.21 119 156 0.69 3.2
CGCG 128-057 12 11 50.3 22 27 55 E?   15.6   6998 174   <2.6     <0.69 3.5
CGCG 099-002 12 15 23.8 18 40 37 E?   16.9 0.22 7681 108   <2.1     <1.85 2.8
CGCG 128-072 12 15 36.8 24 57 58 Pec Sc 15.5 0.63 6792 25 6848 1.41 215 373: 0.35 3.4
CGCG 129-004 12 27 19.1 22 38 54 S   15.6 0.63 6847 71   <2.9     <0.82 3.9
CGCG 129-013 12 35 38.5 22 58 21 Sm SBbc 15.4 0.89 7550 60 6962 1.43 171   0.33 2.5
CGCG 159-048 12 37 44.5 31 27 06 S SBab 15.4 0.59 7086 60   <2.9     <0.63 3.9
CGCG 159-058 12 40 21.0 26 54 48 E S0/a 15.6 0.62 6746 71   <2.7     <0.70 3.6
CGCG 159-064 12 41 36.7 29 10 27 S Sc 15.6 0.71 7265 60   <3.3     <0.86 4.4
CGCG 159-068 12 42 17.1 28 09 54 SBc Sc 15.4 0.91 6374 60 6313 1.04 122 182 0.23 3.8
CGCG 129-023 12 42 50.2 21 48 31 S Sc 15.6 0.59 6706 60 6746 1.37 171 248 0.35 3.9
CGCG 159-071 12 43 17.0 29 42 22 S SBc 15.5 0.87 6924 60 6985 2.35 166 188 0.56 3.1
CGCG 159-097 12 49 40.6 27 17 52 Comp Sa 15.5 0.43 6670 203   <1.6     <0.41 2.2
CGCG 160-012 12 52 23.1 30 48 58 S Sc 15.7 0.63 6323 34   <2.2     <0.68 3.0
CGCG 130-002 12 54 26.4 22 38 41 Sc Sc 15.5 0.55 6529 60 6663 2.31 244 256 0.58 3.0
CGCG 130-003 12 57 20.3 22 04 55 Sb Sb 15.1 0.59 7094 60   <1.3     <0.22 1.8
CGCG 160-128 13 01 58.9 29 04 43 Sb Sbc 15.1 0.74 8049 46 7940 2.20 100 122 0.36 2.8
CGCG 160-169 13 12 19.1 30 15 43 S0   15.4 0.79 6960 60   <2.2     <0.50 2.9
CGCG 161-048 13 23 38.4 31 52 38 Sa Sab 14.9 0.85 7280 60   <1.9     <0.27 2.6
CGCG 161-051 13 24 24.0 30 46 00 E   15.8 0.33 7150 60 6993: 1.47: 235:   0.46: 3.6
CGCG 161-054 13 24 44.1 31 14 07 S0 Sb 15.4 0.65 6767 60 6760: 1.84: 335:   0.39: 3.2
CGCG 161-091 13 35 19.2 29 03 22   Sc 15.4 0.62 7918 60 8011 1.59 151 186 0.35 3.1
CGCG 161-111 13 37 25.0 28 01 48 S Sb 15.5 0.47 8540 106 8460 1.35 48 78 0.33 2.1

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