SIMBAD query mechanism can be summarized by the following key features:
The database management system of SIMBAD has been developed by the CDS, using the concepts of object-oriented programming.
The command language is using the concepts of objects (or agents). Typical object classes are: astronomical object, object list, database, session, reference list, filter, format. Examples of methods are: display, describe, bye (quit).
This structure is only visible for the user of the command line interface. The WWW interface is rendered quite independent of the database structure.
SIMBAD is organized for optimized access by identifier (through an index table of object names) and by position, through an index of small regions.
In order to optimize access to objects in a coordinate box, all objects belonging to a box should be physically grouped in a common place in the database. This is done through a clustering mechanism placing objects from the same box in data blocks linked together in the database files.
When a set of criteria includes some limitations in coordinates, this generates the definition of a list of boxes including the requested area: all entries from these boxes are read and checked against the whole set of criteria.
When a set of criteria includes no limits in sky position, the complete database must be scanned - a long and somewhat expensive operation, which takes typically 15 minutes in the current hardware configuration.
In principle any name found in the literature - provided it is given as a syntactically correct character string - can be submitted to the database in order to retrieve information known for this object.
The general syntax of an identifier is the abbreviated catalogue name (or acronym: generally one to four characters), followed by a number or a name (character string) within the catalogue.
Object names such as Vega and Altair, but also Barnard's star, Crab Nebula, Sgr A, HDFN, or HDFS are stored in the database in a specific catalog called " NAME'', while star names in constellations, such as Lyrae, are stored in the catalogue "*'', and variable stars (such as RR Lyrae) in the catalogue " VAR'' (also called "V*'').
The user can generally type Vega, Altair, alf Lyrae (or alf Lyr): the sesame name resolving module (Sect. 8.2) is used for guessing the catalogue and making the internal conversion. There are however some difficult cases in which the NAME keyword remains necessary, such as in NAME SGR 1900+14 where SGR stands for Soft Gamma Repeater.
In addition the following hints can help the user understand the best way to submit an identifier to SIMBAD:
Figure 3: Example of Simbad response page for a query concerning M 81 (only the first part of the response is visible here) |
Figure 3 illustrates the response received from the database after submitting the identifier "M 81''. In the identifier list, the meaning of acronyms, such as [VDD93], is explained through a link to the on-line Dictionary of Nomenclature.
The user interface provides an option for querying around objects, with a radius set by default at 10. This is equivalent to a query by position using the object coordinates.
It is also possible to generate the list of 10 or 25 next objects following a given identifier, or to submit a list of object names, stored in a file with one identifier per line.
Query by coordinates can be used to retrieve all objects in a circular field defined by the coordinates of the center and a radius.
The coordinates can be replaced by the name of an object lying at the center of the field, in which case the coordinates are found through an internal query to SIMBAD. The radius can have any size (default value is 10). Queries with a radius smaller than are answered quite instantaneously.
The sampling mode (also named filter) allows users to define criteria for selecting objects in SIMBAD.
The user may extract objects which satisfy one set of coordinate criteria, several physical criteria (using a simple syntax), objects which have specified identifiers or measurements, and, finally, objects having citations within a range of years.
The WWW interface provides an interactive form which presents all possible sampling options.
The resulting list may be ordered according to sort criteria and, furthermore, it is possible, through the command line mode, to define precisely the output format.
Note that reading the whole database for extracting a sample spread on the whole celestial sphere is possible, but quite time-consuming (as mentioned above). The user is thus encouraged to test the filter on a limited region of the sky, before applying it to the whole database.
After a sampling by position the user can ask for the corresponding sky plot. This feature is only available through the WWW interface and is generally optimized for a radius range of 10-60 minutes.
The maps display the objects with different symbols according to object type; symbol size for stars varies with object magnitude (see Fig. 4). The maps are clickable and return the object in Simbad corresponding to cursor position.
The WWW interface provides also direct access to the ALADIN interactive digitized atlas (Bonnarel et al. [2000]) as illustrated in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Use of ALADIN for displaying SIMBAD entries (red diamonds) on top of a DSS-I/STScI image around M 81 (width of the field: ) |
SIMBAD can be queried in batch mode, by
submitting a mail to the special address
This is especially useful in case of poor interactive connectivity, or for submitting time-consuming queries or lists. A WWW form helps to prepare the submission.
It is possible to obtain a complete bibliographical reference, by entering the corresponding reference code (bibcode).
A reference code can be supplied without indicating all the fields: the first reference corresponding to the truncated code will be displayed. An ampersand (&) should be added at the end of the truncated bibcode.
Additional tools include special commands for querying auxiliary databases, on-line help, log files, etc. More details can be found in the SIMBAD User's Guide or on the Web pages.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)