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Appendix B: Spectroscopic data

Here we present the spectroscopic results described in Sect. 5. Tables 13 to 82 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via Tables 13 to 47 list following kinematical parameter of the investigated galaxies:

r: Major axis distance from galaxy center.
v(r): Line of sight mean velocity.
$\delta v$: Error of v(r).
$\sigma $: Line of sight velocity dispersion.
$\delta \sigma$: Error of $\sigma $.
H3: Third order coefficient of the Gaussian Hermite decomposition of the line LOSVD.
$\delta $H3: Error of H3.
H4: Fourth order coefficient of the Gaussian Hermite decomposition of the line LOSVD.
$\delta $H4: Error of H4.

Tables 48 to 82 list following line indices of the investigated galaxies:

r: Major axis distance from galaxy center.
H$\beta $: H$\beta $ absorption index.
$\delta $H$\beta $: Error of H$\beta $.
Mgb: Mgb absorption index.
$\delta {\mathrm {Mg}}b$: Error of Mgb.
<Fe>: <Fe> absorption index.
$\delta <{\mathrm {Fe}}>$: Error of <Fe>.
[MgFe] :[MgFe] absorption index.
$\delta $[MgFe] : Error of [MgFe].
Mg2: Mg2 absorption index (if measured).
$\delta $Mg2 : Error of Mg2.
NaD: NaD absorption index (if measured).
$\delta \mathrm{Mg}_2$ : Error of NaD.

The galaxy number indicated in Tables 1 and 3 as well as in Fig. 6 are given in brackets in the captions.

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