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Appendix A: Photometric data

Here we present the results of the surface brightness and isophotal shape analysis described in Sect. 2. Tables 5 to 12 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via and list following parameter of the investigated galaxies:

a: Major axis distance from galaxy center.
b: Minor axis distance from galaxy center.
SB: Local surface brightness along a.
$\epsilon$: Local ellipticity along a.
$\delta \epsilon$: Error of the local ellipticity $\epsilon$.
PA Local position angle (N $\geq$ E) along a.
$\delta $PA: Error of the local position angle PA.
ai/a: the i-th Fourier coefficients of the cosine function.
bi/a: the i-th Fourier coefficients of the sine function.
$\delta fc$: the error of the Fourier coefficients ai/a and bi/a as computed in BM87.

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