Up: The luminosity function of
In this section we analyse the general properties of the cluster.
We examine closely the following points. First, by means of the
Colour-Magnitude Relation, we select the main, early type,
component of the cluster population. Second, we estimate the
projected spatial distribution of the different types of galaxies
and we measure the core radius of the cluster as tracked by bright
galaxies. Third, we analyze the photometric properties of the cD
central galaxy. Fourth, we study the distribution of galaxy colour
as function of their position within the cluster core.
On the r/(g-r) plane (Fig. 12) we emphasize
the narrow sequence of the linear Colour-Magnitude Relation (CMR):
the sequence defines the locus of early type galaxies of the cluster
within the plane (Visvanathan & Sandage 1977; Arimoto & Yoshii 1987).
The continuous line is determined by fitting the locus of points as defined by
elliptical galaxies brighter than magnitude 18, excluding the cD galaxy.
The equation derived by the best fit
CMR(r) = -0.025 r + 0.914
has been extrapolated to the limiting magnitude of the frame.
The slope of the CMR is consistent with that estimated by Visvanathan & Sandage (1977)
for the Virgo cluster (see their Table 1 and Figs. 1 and 2) and very similar to the
estimates given by Garilli et al. (1996). The cD galaxy fits quite
nicely the locus of the elliptical galaxies and the CMR relation.
Figure 13:
Colour-colour planes. Our data are superimposed on the
expected colours of elliptical galaxies at different red-shifts: each
cross on the continue line represents a 0.05 red-shift variation. The filled
square represents the cD galaxy, perfectly placed on the theoretical
path at red-shift 0.03. Redder galaxies show expected colours of elliptical
galaxies at higher red-shift. Sequence galaxies are slightly bluer than cD
galaxy with dispersion increasing with the magnitude
(see Fig. 12)
Finally, blue galaxies have colours unmatchable with the early type galaxy
colours |
Figure 14:
Projected spatial distribution of all (upper panel),
bright (
galaxies (central panel), and bright
sequence galaxies (lower panel). We fit bright galaxies
distributions with King functions and we show the two different
core radius best values. Comparison between the upper and central
panel suggests a luminosity segregation effect; comparison between
central and lower panel suggest a colour segregation effect. The
density profile is obtained as the average of 36 profiles, and the
errors correspond to 1 standard deviation of the 36 values
distribution. In the left panel the dotted lines show 1 e 2 core
radius |
Figure 15:
Spatial distribution of red galaxies (upper panel) and
blue galaxies (lower panel) as labelled on the magnitude-colour
plane. Red galaxies do not show any particular behaviour linked to
cluster structure. Blue galaxies remarkably crowd at 1 core radius
distance from the centre of the cluster |
Several authors have used the CMR to define cluster members (Metcalfe et al. 1994;
Biviano et al. 1995; Secker 1996; Lopez-Cruz et al. 1997; De Propris & Pritchet 1998;
Molinari & Smareglia 1998) since, by so doing, the contamination, due to the background
galaxies, is largely reduced.
Given the analytical formula of the linear relation CMR(r), determined above, we
define the "sequence zone'' as the colour-magnitude plane region inside the curves
where we take into account photometric uncertainty at
(see Sect. 4.4) and the inherent dispersion of the relation (estimated
upon the most luminous galaxies).
The plane redward of the sequence (red zone) is expected to be mainly populated
by higher red-shift galaxies, while the blueward zone is likely the locus of cluster
and foreground late-type galaxies.
To further clarify this concept of likely membership we plot our data in the colour-colour
plane, g-r versus g-i (Fig. 13). The continuous line in the plane represents
the locus of points defined by elliptical galaxies at different redshifts
according to the models of Buzzoni et al. (1993). These plots are consistent with the previous
discussion: a) the cD galaxy, filled square, is near the expected location of an E galaxy at
the cluster redshift, b) galaxies located in the red zone of Fig. 13 are displayed
along the sequence of higher redshift ellipticals, and c) blue galaxies do not
match the redshift sequence for elliptical galaxies.
The strategy we adopt for the observations has the advantage of
allowing measuring fields at a rather large distance, about 2700
pixels (
kpc) from the cluster centre in a reasonable
amount of telescope time. On the other hand we are forced to
select an ad hoc radial direction. That is we are more
sensitive to cluster and background field density fluctuations. We
proceed as follows. First, we build the density frame relative to
the whole mosaic. Then we divide the density frame in 36 circular
sectors centred on the cluster centre and average the contribution
of each segment at fixed radius going from the centre to the
external limit of the mosaic. The whole sample mean radial surface
density profile (Fig. 14, upper panel) does not
clearly make evident the excess of galaxies defining the cluster.
Due to the segregation effect of the most luminous galaxies, r < 20.0, a King profile well fits
the density profile
at these magnitudes (Fig. 14 central panel, and
Table 10). The sequence galaxies as defined by the CMR, with r < 20.0,
present a higher central concentration as indicated by the smaller core radius
(Table 10). This is also to be expected in a relaxed cluster since the CMRsequence has been defined by using the bright elliptical cluster galaxies.
Table 10:
Best fit values of King function for the distribution of bright galaxies
Sample |
Galaxies belonging to the red region of colour-magnitude plane are identified
as galaxies at higher red-shift (see Figs. 12 and
13). Their distribution is homogeneous
over the observed field without any link to cluster structure
(Fig. 15 upper panel). Galaxies belonging to the
blue zone of the colour-magnitude plane are identified as cluster or foreground
late type galaxies. Their projected distribution seems to be influenced by
cluster potential: their density abruptly peaks at 1 core radius distance
from the cluster centre. This effect has been noticed also in some of the other clusters
that we are analysing.
The cD central galaxy is the brightest member of the cluster: it is
2 magnitudes brighter than the second member.
In Molinari et al. (1998) its luminosity is regarded as too bright to be consistent
with other ellipticals and it is not included in the computation of LF.
However, as seen in the previous subsection, the cD magnitude and colour are
consistent with the CMR extrapolated from the population of the bright elliptical
cD galaxies are generally characterised by a surface brightness (SB) profile that falls off more slowly
with radius than most elliptical galaxies. In Fig. 16 the profile of the
Abell 496 cD galaxy along the major axis is shown up to a distance of 100 arcsec
kpc) from the centre.
In this profile the presence of the halo is particularly noticeable, it departs strongly
from a de Vaucouleur law (the straight line in the figure).
The comparison of the SB profile along the northern major semi-axis (N) with
the one along the southern semi-axis (S) (Fig. 16) shows an evident asymmetry.
The N region of the halo exhibits an excess of intensity with respect to the S in each
of the 3 filters in the interval 25-50 arcsec of distance from the centre.
This effect is clearly depicted by the isophotes in Fig. 17.
Figure 16:
The intensity profiles of the cD galaxy of Abell 496
along the N and S major semi-axis are superimposed (the r and
i profiles are shifted of 2 and 4 magnitude to make the figure
clearer). The excess of intensity of the northern semi-axis is
noticeable in the interval (25, 50) arcsec from the centre. The
straight lines represents the de Vaucouleur profile |
In spite of the large extension of the halo, this is somewhat fainter than the core.
After fitting the core by a de Vaucouleur law, we could subtract it from the cD image and
estimate the magnitude of the halo. The derived total magnitudes in the three filters are
listed in Table 11. As already stated, the luminosity of the core is dominant.
Figure 17:
The filter r halo isophotes are superimposed to the image of the cD galaxy
(the North is toward the bottom of the image), the last isophote corresponding to the SB
threshold. The asymmetry of the halo emission is clearly evident |
The average colour index of the total profile presents a gradient
toward the blue moving from the core to the outermost part of the
galaxy. This is due to the colour of the halo that is bluer than
that of the core. Within the halo itself a difference exists
between the colour of the northern hemisphere of higher surface
brightness, and the colour of the southern hemisphere. The
northern zone is bluer (marked as colour excess in Fig. 18).
In other cD galaxies (see for instance
Molinari et al. 1994) the halo has been found redder than the
core. Therefore, the characteristics of the halo population are
undoubtedly related to the specific history of the cD under
Figure 18:
The average colour index of the three components of the
galaxy is shown. They are compared with the expected colours of
the stars convoluted from the spectral catalogue of Vilnius et al.
(1972) (stars are labelled with the name
of spectral class) and also with the colours of the stars of our
catalogue (small points) |
Finally, the distribution of the g - r colours of the sequence
galaxies is analysed as a function of their projected distance
from the centre of the cluster. We find a significant correlation
relative to the population of faint galaxies.
As partly expected, brighter galaxies tend to dominate in the
central region of the cluster. Such galaxies (see also the
discussion on the CMR relation) tend to be somewhat redder.
Therefore we expect a mild correlation between the cluster
integrated colour - defined as the mean colour derived from the
galaxy population located at a given distance from the centre -
and the distance from the centre. The total gradient expected to
be < 0.2 in g-r. On the other hand if we limit ourselves to
consider only the dwarf galaxies (bottom of Fig. 19),
we do not measure any correlation between the mean galaxy
magnitude and the distance from the cluster centre. In spite of
this lack of correlation the faint cluster population shows a
well-defined colour gradient moving outward from the centre (upper
panel of Fig. 19). This effect is significant at a 4
sigma level and unrelated to the CMR relation. Indeed over the
small range of magnitude we took into consideration (18 <r<21)
such an effect would be at most of about 0.1 mag, while we observe
a gradient of about 0.3 magnitudes.
Figure 19:
The average colour index of dwarf sequence galaxies shows a
gradient from red to blue going off the centre of the cluster
(upper panel). This feature cannot be ascribed to the luminosity+colour
segregation: the non correlation between radius cluster and
medium magnitude of the dwarf sequence galaxies is shown (lower panel) |
A very similar result is found by Secker (1996) in Coma cluster;
conversely, Hilker et al. (1998) do not find any correlation
between the projected distance from the centre and the colours of
dwarf galaxies in the central region of Fornax cluster.
Up: The luminosity function of
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