INTEGRAL will not have a GRB detection and triggering system on board. However, it will downlink its acquired data continuously to earth allowing for constant near-real time monitoring. At the ISDC all data will be automatically analyzed to detect any transient events. In addition, a fast analysis (Table 2) will be performed by the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System IBAS [(Mereghetti et al. 1999)]. This "on ground'' approach to detection not only allows for the application of larger computational power than available on board a spacecraft, but also permits the implementation of several detection algorithms running in parallel (Fig.1).
After receiving the INTEGRAL telemetry at ISDC, the IBAS relevant data is extracted and fed into the attitude determination and into the several detection processes Dn running in parallel. As soon as a GRB candidate event is detected, it must pass a verification process and a final screening, which is additionally in charge of spawning a more detailed offline analysis of the burst; the exact verification algorithm is still to be defined. The GRB position and trigger time then reach the alert generation process, and the information is broadcast electronically.
Ongoing IBAS simulations currently concentrate on GRB detection with IBIS, since
its photon by photon mode data is expected to yield the best position accuracy.
During the simulations
photon arrival times are generated based on light curves actually observed
The simulations shown in Fig.2
e.g. reveal the GRB to be localizable less than 2s
after the trigger time
.This has been achieved using a simplified prototype code:
The countrates of the incoming events are binned, averaged in time
(, and
, respectively) and compared, taking the
deviation into account. The trigger time is recorded
as soon as a threshold is passed
Images are deconvolved (preburst and integrated ones over time bins) and the position is found.
The simulation parameters for Fig.2 were
n = 7;
It was based on BATSE trigger #2321 featuring a peak flux of
0.85ph/(cm2s) in the 50-300 keV channel.
A broken power law spectrum is assumed with photon index and
and with break energy keV.
INTEGRAL is expected to detect about 20 GRBs per year within the IBIS and SPI fields of view [(Pedersen et al. 1997)]. Localization accuracy is a function of the event's S/N ratio, the spacecraft attitude and stability, the instrument to star-tracker alignment and the instrument angular resolution. The attitude accuracy will be 30 during stable pointings, i.e. for most of the time (during slews it will be ). For a source detected with IBIS the source location accuracy is .The use of OMC data for improved attitude information is under study, as OMC will provide offset values and to the central source position with an anticipated accuracy of .
Although SPI's localization accuracy will be significantly worse than that of IBIS, SPI data will be used to assess the validity of the event. Additionally, SPI may provide localization for those bursts at large off axis angles. For those GRBs SPI's sensitivity is better than that of IBIS due to the larger fully coded field of view.
In the relevant time frame of 2001 to 2003 INTEGRAL seems to be the satellite best suited as the Interplanetary Network's near earth node. As an optimized input to the IPN, SPI's anticoincidence shield (ACS) will take data in time bins of 50ms, time tagged to an accuracy of 1ms. Thus the data of () bursts per year, located mainly perpendicular to the instruments' fields of view, can usefully contribute to the IPN ([Hurley 1999]; [Teegarden & Sturner 1999]).
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)