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4 Computer experiments

4.1 Simulated signal

  We will now present three different numerical simulations. The first one shows the effect of a correlation on the power spectrum and its consequences on the measurement of frequencies. The second permits to verify the convergence of the second step of the proposed algorithm for the estimation of the covariance matrix Q, and the third one estimates the performance of the whole algorithm in recovering the parameters.

4.2 GOLF signal

The proposed estimation technique has been applied to GOLF data. The data set corresponds to one and half year of continuous observations. The signal corresponding to each analysed frequency band has been demodulated and decimated by direct and inverse Fourier transforms of a 581 000 point GOLF signal sampled every 80 seconds.

We analysed two frequency ranges containing l=1 modes: the n=11 and n=12. The first band is [1746, 1752]$~\mu$Hz. The corresponding decimated signal contains N=503 points. The poles estimated using an autocorrelation matrix of order M=10 are $0.941\exp(\pm j2\pi
0.198)$ and $0.942\exp(\pm j2\pi 0.275)$. The estimated value of R is 2.1. The iterations of (15) have been initialised with $\hat{Q}^{[0]}=0.5I$.

The estimated value of Q after 1000 iterations ($\Vert\hat{Q}^{[1000]}-\hat{Q}^{[999]}\Vert _2\approx 10^{-6}$) is:

0.180 & -0.100 \\ -0.100 & 0.193\end{array}\right)\end{displaymath}

and $\hat{r}_{12}=-0.533$. Figures 4a, 4b represent the second and fourth components of the smoothed stated vector at the last iteration, i.e. the estimated signal corresponding to each mode. Figure 4c, represents the corresponding GOLF signal its estimated smoothed version.

\resizebox {\hsize}{!}{\includegraphics{ds1593f4.eps}}\end{figure} Figure 4: Band [1746, 1752]$~\mu$Hz. a) and b) reconstructed signal of the first and second mode. c) GOLF signal and smoothed signal

The second band is [1882, 1888] $\mu$Hz. The corresponding decimated signal contains N=559 points. The poles estimated using an autocorrelation matrix of order M=10 are $0.922\exp(\pm j2\pi
0.212)$ and $0.925\exp(\pm j2\pi 0.278)$. The estimated value of R is 2. The iterations of (15) have been initialised with $\hat{Q}^{[0]}=0.6I$. The estimated value of Q after 1000 iterations:

0.490 & -0.108 \\ -0.108 & 0.570\end{array}\right)\end{displaymath}

and $\hat{r}_{12}=-0.204$.

Finally we analysed the triplet l=2 in the band [1942, 1950] $\mu$Hz, with N=745. The poles are estimated using an autocorrelation matrix of order M=20. In order to take into account the a priori information on the width of the modes, the moduli of the estimated poles have been replaced by the mean of the three estimated moduli, that is all the three modes are forced to have approximately the same width. The corresponding values are: $0.924\exp(\pm j2\pi 0.188)$,$0.925\exp(\pm j2\pi 0.228)$ and $0.929\exp(\pm j2\pi 0.295)$.The estimated value of R is 2.4. The iterations of (15) have been initialised with $\hat{Q}^{[0]}=0.3I$. The estimated value of Q after 1000 iterations is:

0.225 & 0.095 & -0.135 \\...
 ...95 & 0.169 & -0.156\\ -0.135 & -0.156 & 0.265\end{array}\right)\end{displaymath}

and $\hat{r}_{12}=0.489$, $\hat{r}_{13}=-0.554$ $\hat{r}_{23}=-0.737$.

In Figs. 567 the estimated PSD are compared to the PSD assuming uncorrelation of the modes and fitting Lorentzian to the periodogram by maximum likelihood criterion, [Fierry-Fraillon et al. 1998]. 2

\resizebox {\hsize}{!}{\includegraphics{ds1593f5.eps}}\end{figure} Figure 5: Estimated PSD. Continuous line (-): proposed method, dashed line ($-\,-$): fit of Lorentzian, dotted line ($\cdots$) periodogram

\resizebox {\hsize}{!}{\includegraphics{ds1593f6.eps}}\end{figure} Figure 6: Estimated PSD. Continuous line (-): proposed method, dashed line ($-\,-$): fit of Lorentzian, dotted line ($\cdots$) periodogram

\resizebox {\hsize}{!}{\includegraphics{ds1593f7.eps}}\end{figure} Figure 7: Estimated PSD. Continuous line (-): proposed method, dashed line ($-\,-$): fit of Lorentzian, dotted line ($\cdots$) periodogram

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