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3 Observations

The classification spectra were obtained using the IDS spectrograph of the Isaac Newton Telescope, La Palma on the night of 1998 August 2. The R1200B grating was employed with a slit width of 1.15 arcsec and the EEV12 CCD. This gives a dispersion of $\sim 0.5$ Å/pixel. A central wavelength was chosen of 4300 Å, giving a a wavelength range of 3670 - 5070 Å. Measurements of interstellar features in the spectra give a full width half maximum corresponding to a velocity resolution of $\sim 55$ km s-1. In addition to our Be star sample we obtained spectra of 30 MK standards in the range O9 to B9.5, mainly of luminosity classes III and V (Table 3).

Table 3: Spectral standards observed (* = see text)

HD Number & Alias & Spectral Type \\ \hline
 HD 214...
 ...ce Aqr & B9.5V\\  HD 186882 & $\delta$\space Cyg & B9.5III\\ \hline\end{tabular}

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