The immediate post-outburst light curves have been presented by Ohsima et al. (1996) and Munari et al. (1996). An up to date coverage of the light curve can be found at The Astronomer WWW site. The nova underwent at least five major brightenings or flares in the post-outburst phase, mimicing the light curve of the slow nova HR Del. The pitfalls in determining the t3 timescales of novae with fluctuations during decline and the associated large errors in the estimated absolute magnitude and distance have been discussed by Robb & Scarfe (1995) in connection with nova PW Vul. In the case of HR Del widely different t3 values of 563 and 225 days have been deduced by Sanyal (1974) and Rafanelli & Rosino (1978) respectively, giving rise to a difference of 2 magnitudes in the derived absolute magnitudes. Here we show that nova V723 Cas is another such nova where the conventional MV-t3 relations give a large spread in the derived results. The nova was around 8.8 magnitude in the immediate post-outburst stage before the first flare. We believe that this is the true maximum of the nova. The nova lightcurve has sharp rise and falls during the flares, making it uncharacteristic of the overall decline during those periods. Assuming that the flares are superposed on a smoothly declining light curve we estimate days. On the other hand, Chochol & Pribulla (1997) get a value of 173 days. These values of t3 imply MV of -4.5 and -6.7 respectively. The discordant results arise mainly out of the subjectivity in choosing the true maximum of the nova.
In view of the above discussion we use the following unconventional method to derive some fundamental parameters in the case of V723 Cas. The nova can be assumed to have an absolute magnitude of . This is in accordance with the values for slow novae in general and the published values for HR Del in particular (Duerbeck 1981). Gonzalez-Riestra et al. (1996) have derived a reddening of EB-V=0.6 to the nova from the 220 nm absorption feaature in IUE spectra. This reddening gives a distance of 3.9 kpc to the nova for the above mean absolute magnitude. A lower EB-V value of 0.45 has been derived by Munari et al. (1996) from the equivalent widths of interstellar sodium lines, while Chochol & Pribulla (1997) give a mean value of 0.57. The uncertainties in absolute magnitude and reddening quoted above give 2.4 and 7.6 kpc as the limits to the distance of the nova. Thus, the nova has a luminosity range of . We may mention here that in a recent paper Ijima et al. (1998) have derived AV=0.89 mag, MV=-6.1 and a distance of 2.95 kpc for the nova.
The nova was in the pre-nebular phase at least up to mid-March 1996
(Ijima &
Rosino 1996). Varying emission lines have very little effect on the
broadband fluxes during this stage when they are dominated by the continuum
light of the nova. V magnitudes temporally close to our observations have
been used to get quasi-simultaneous optical-near-IR fluxes. For this purpose
we have used the
Ohsima et al. (1996) V magnitudes. For the period
after Dec. 95 when the same are not available, we have used photoelectric/CCD
magnitudes reported in the VSNET network. We use the EB-V value of 0.6
to determine dereddened fluxes from our photometry. The dereddened VJHK
fluxes are in general a result of pseudophotospheric and free-free emission. A
decomposition of these fluxes in terms of the two components can be done under
certain assumptions using the optical light curve and colours
(Ohsima et al. 1996) and spectral appearance
(Iijima et al. 1998) as guides.
spectral energy distribution (SED; See Fig. 2) shows the
pseudophotosphere to be the most dominant component of the fluxes. Therefore,
we assume that only 10% of the flux at H is contributed by the free-free
emission from the gaseous envelope. The adopted values of the temperatures of
the two components during six representative epochs are given in
Table 2. This decomposition is not unique, but reasonable changes in the
assumptions are sufficient to explain the flux variations over the period of
Figure 1: Optical and IR evolution of nova V723 Cas during the first two flares. V magnitudes have been taken from Ohsima et al. (1996) and data circulated over VSNET. IR data is from Table 1. Epochs I-V are the same as in Fig. 2 |
The first flare and the rising part of the second one have been covered by our observations (see Fig. 1). The nova became brighter in all the three bands, particularly in J and H, during the flares. The flaring activity of the nova is a manifestation of episodic mass ejections. Because of this periodic increased mass-loss the pseudophotosphere was able to sustain itself at immediate post-outburst conditions for a long time.
Figure 3: Two colour plot for novae observed at PRL. The curves for blackbodies (BB), dwarfs (D) and giants (G) and the reddening vector are plotted. The point for a 104 K plasma is also shown (P). Observed magnitudes of V723 Cas have been dereddened by using EB-V=0.6 and are plotted as filled triangles. Roman numerals beside some points denote the epochs as given in Fig. 2. For nova V723 Cas all data points except "VI" are obtained with the same dewar. Other observational points are for V838 Her (AV=0, Chandrasekhar et al. 1992), V1974 Cyg (AV=0, Ashok et al. 1992a), V351 Pup (AV=0, Ashok et al. 1992b), V4157 Sgr (AV=0, Ashok et al. 1992c) and V1425 Aql (EB-V=0.76, Kamath et al. 1997). Names of the novae are mentioned beside respective data points |
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