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9 Conclusions

  From our images we conclude that it appears worth doing systematically further very deep ground-based imaging of PN at high angular resolution in order to study their morphology in detail. Interesting information about the ejection mechanism of the nebula and its interaction with the ISM can be achieved. Moreover, detailed data about the spatial distribution of matter is a prerequisite for the use of deprojection techniques (Bremer 1995) which will allow to check nebula models against three-dimensional (magneto-)hydrodynamical calculations.

The search for PN around 27 objects (Werner et al. 1997 and this work) has shown only one possible candidate. This leaves the problem of "missing'' PN around stars in the post-AGB region (see Rauch et al. 1998) unsolved.


We like to thank Bruce Balick for helpful comments on the morphology of Abell43 and NGC1360, Florian Kerber and Stefan Kimeswenger who supplied targets for our observing campaign, and Jörn Wilms for his assistance in IDL artwork. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. This work was supported by use of the Data Base of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (www: at Innsbruck. This research was supported by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) under grant 50OR97055.

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