Up: Stellar population synthesis diagnostics
Some examples are given with a synthetic population
to elucidate the method and its associated merit function
as described in Sect. 2. It is further shown that
the residual points of the data not matched can provide an
indication about the parameter to be improved.
A diagnostic diagram is much easier to interpret
due to the relative small number
of residual points than a CMD with the simulation of the best fit
which may have 5000 or more points.
It might be advantageous for other methods such as ratios,
maximum likelihood, multivariate analysis or Bayesian inference
to display the residuals from the best fit obtained.
In this way one can obtain an independent visual impression
of the performance of different methods and even
obtain hints about possible improvements.
The test population used as reference in the simulations has the
following specifications:
- a metallicity range, spanning Z=0.005-0.030;
- an age range from 8-9 Gyr;
- an initial mass function with a Salpeter slope;
- an exponentially decreasing star formation rate with a characteristic time
scale of 1 Gyr.
This population, displayed in Fig. 1, was found to
contribute significantly to the
CMD of Baade's Window (Ng et al. 1996a).
In the simulation the test population is placed at 8 kpc distance.
The observational limits are and
.In each simulation stars are considered.
For simplicity an extinction and crowding free
case is considered with Gaussian distributed
photometric errors amounting to
per passband. This is then compared with models, in which one of
the specified parameters is varied.
For the -merit function a 3 limit
around each point (ci,mi) is adopted
for the range of the error ellipse.
These variations are then followed
by comparison with different age, metallicity, initial mass function and
star formation history.
Table 1:
Description of the diagnostic statistics for the
various models displayed in Figs. 2-4, see text for
additional details
Table 1 shows the results of the various simulations
performed and discussed below, while Fig. 2 displays the
global merit function of these simulations.
Figures 3a-i display the diagnostics diagrams, resulting
from the comparison between the "observed" and synthetic CMDs.
Figure 1:
The (V, V-I) colour-magnitude diagram of
the original stellar population
(Z=0.005-0.030, t=8-9 Gyr)
placed at 8 kpc, see text for additional details.
Note that this simulation reflects a reddening
free case and that the shape of the red horizontal
branch is due to a large spread in metallicity |
The first step is to demonstrate what values one obtains
for with an acceptable model population.
Such a population
is obtained from a different realization of the
test population by modifying the seed of the random number
Figure 2:
The global merit for various simulations.
The letters a-bf i refer to a model for which
the result are given
in Table 1. The solid and long dashed lines denote respectively
the 1 and 3 area, where
acceptable simulations for the stellar
populations ought to be located. Model d could be acceptable.
Fig. 3d hints that there is still a systematic discrepancy between
the observations and simulations |
The values of the merit functions for this simulation (model a) are
listed in Table 1 and are consistent with the
expectation that for 5000 points
about 71 points will not be matched in each of the
observed and simulated dataset.
Figure 2 shows further that this population has
in the ()-plane an average close to 1.
Figure 3a shows that the residual points
(open circles for "observations" and crosses for simulations)
are randomly
distributed over the original (shaded) population.
This is indicative that the model a simulation
is an acceptable replacement
for the original population.
Table 2:
Formal 1 uncertainties determined with Eq. (10)
for model a (see Table 1 and Sect. 3.1),
where , is the index of the power-law initial mass function
and is the index of the exponential star formation rate,
specifying its characteristic time scale
Table 2 gives the formal 1 uncertainties determined with
Eq. (10). The estimated error in the distance gives an uncertainty
in the distance modulus of about . This is a realistic value,
because it is in close agreement
with the uncertainty in the distance modulus
obtained, for example, by Gratton et al. (1997)
for globular clusters.
The uncertainty in the extinction is about
d, which
is also in good agreement with the best estimates for the
reddening of the globular clusters mentioned above.
They yield , which
is equivalent with an extinction of about with a standard reddening law.
The uncertainties in the age limits indicate that
at a 1 level the lower and upper age limit
are likely not the same, but the whole population might
on the other hand be almost indistinguishable from a population
with a single age of about 8.7 Gyr.
In addition, a 10% uncertainty is not very different from the 12% random
errors estimated for the ages of globular clusters (Gratton et al. 1997).
The uncertainties in the metallicity range hint that
an unambiguous determination of the presence of a metallicity range can
be established. The estimated errors range from 0.1-0.2 dex,
which is once more a realistic value if one considers
that the uncertainty in the metallicity scale is of the
order of 0.1 dex. Most remarkable is the very small error
obtained for the index of the slope of the power-law IMF.
This is mainly due to the fact that small differences
in the slope tend to result in large number of
residuals of main sequence stars for the Poisson merit function.
It strongly suggests that the method described in this paper
potentially could reveal crucial information about the IMF.
This is in high contrast with the estimated uncertainty for the
index of an exponentially decreasing star formation rate.
Due to the relative small age range the uncertainty is quite large.
As a consequence, a population with a constant star formation rate
cannot be discarded.
On the other hand, Dolphin (1997) has
demonstrated that in case of a considerably larger age
range stronger constraints on the star formation rate could
be obtained.
The distance of a stellar aggregate should be determined
as accurately as possible, because uncertainties in the
distance modulus can result in a different age for the
stellar population, see Gratton et al. (1997) for a detailed
discussion. For the next simulation (model b) the distance
of the synthetic population is modified to 8.5 kpc.
Figure 3b displays the diagnostic diagram with the residuals.
A fraction of the residuals, located
on the main sequence or the sub-giant branch,
are fainter than the original input population (shaded area).
This feature provides a strong hint that the adopted
population is not located at the proper distance.
It results in a considerably larger value for the
Poisson merit function. This leads to a rather
large value for the global merit and gives an indication
that the parameters for the matching stellar population
are not yet optimally tuned. This furthermore appears
in Fig. 2, which shows that the simulation for model b
is not in the range of acceptable solutions.
A synthetic population (model c) is made with
an average extinction of ,to demonstrate the effects of differences in the extinction.
In addition, a random scatter is added to the extinction,
amounting to .Figure 3c shows the corresponding diagnostic diagram
with two residual sequences (original versus
extinction modified), each located
respectively near the blue and red edge of
the original input population (shaded area).
The sequences are also
shifted from each other along the reddening line.
A comparison between Figs. 3b and 3c further shows that
there are distinct differences between the distribution of the residuals
when the distance or extinction are not optimally tuned.
In this simulation the effect of overestimating the photometric
errors (model d) in the simulations is demonstrated. The photometric
errors as a function of magnitude are increased by 50%.
The results are displayed in Fig. 3d. The figure shows that the
residuals for the modified population are mainly located outside the shaded
region of the original population, while the residuals
from the original population are almost centered on
the shaded area.
Figure 2 indicates that model d might be an acceptable solution,
but Fig. 3d hints that the parameters are not yet optimally tuned.
Figure 3d further displays that the distribution of the residuals
is significantly different from the residuals shown in any of the other panels
of Fig. 3. It is therefore possible to identify
an inadequate description of the photometric errors
from the residuals and improve with this information
the description of the simulated errors.
In crowded fields single stars can lump together and thus form
an apparent (not always resolved) binary on an image (Ng 1994;
Ng et al. 1995; Aparicio et al. 1996).
This results in the "disappearance" of some of the fainter
stars. One can mimic this effect easily in the Monte-Carlo simulations
of a synthetic CMD. One should avoid to include in these
simulations the completeness
factors as obtained from artificial star experiments.
In crowding limited fields one obtains from the simulations
of apparent binaries the completeness as a function of magnitude.
This apparent, binary induced completeness function should be
compared with the completeness factors obtained from artificial
stars experiments.
Figure 3:
Diagnostics diagrams, resulting from the various simulations
given in Table 1.
Frame a) shows the diagram for a different realization,
while non of the major input parameters are varied;
in frame b) the distance is varied;
frame c) shows the diagram when some extinction is added;
frame d) displays the residuals when different photometric errors
are adopted;
frame e) represents the case where
the amount of crowding is overestimated;
frame f) when a younger age is adopted for the stellar population;
frame g) when the upper metallicity limit is underestimated;
frame h) shows the effect for a different slope of the
power-law initial mass function;
and frame i) shows the case when the star formation rate is
increasing towards younger age, instead of decreasing.
The residual "observed" points which are not fitted are indicated by
open circles, while the residual
synthetic points are indicated by crosses.
In each frame the shaded area shows approximately the
part of the CMD covered by the original population. In addition
the global merit F is reported in each frame
The crowding simulations (model e) are performed under the assumption
that 5% of the observed stars in the CMD are (apparent) binaries.
Note that em10% of the total number of simulated stars
are involved in the crowding simulations.
The actual number is slightly
lower, because the simulations allow for the small possibility
of the formation of multiple star lumps.
The results are displayed in Fig. 3e. The diagnostics show, except
for a significantly larger scatter, some similarity with those from
Fig. 3d. However, the difference is that one part of the residuals
from Fig. 3d forms a thinner sequence on top of the lower main
sequence band, while the other part of the residuals is located close to
the lower main sequence band. In the case of crowding the central band
is broader and the remaining residuals are not located near the
lower main sequence band.
The galactic bulge might contain a rather young stellar population
(Ng et al. 1995; Kiraga et al. 1997), however the
results by Bertelli et al. (1995) and Ng
et al. (1996) contradict such a suggestion. The results by Ng
et al. (1995) might be induced by the limited metallicity range used
in the simulations, while the results from Kiraga et al. (1997)
do not appear to allow for a different interpretation. The next simulation
(model f) is therefore made with a population which has an age in the
range 4-5 Gyr and Fig. 3f displays the diagnostic diagram.
At first sight this appears to be similar to the diagram
of Fig. 3c, but there is a pronounced difference: the
residual sequences are not parallel and furthermore one
of the two sequences is slightly brighter and bluer than
the main sequence turn-off of the original population.
In Sect. 3.1 it is noted that ages can be determined
to an accuracy of at least 10%. An analysis of a deep
bulge CMD with the method discussed in this paper might
well constrain the actual age of the major stellar
populations in the galactic bulge.
In the following simulation (model g) the upper metallicity limit of the
synthetic population is decreased to Z=0.020.
Figure 3g displays the diagnostic CMD and shows two almost
parallel sequences as in Fig. 3c, where the extinction
is varied. The similarity
is due to the fact that extinction and metallicity differences
show a similar behaviour in (V, V-I) CMDs. Photometry in
other passbands should be explored to avoid this degeneracy.
Ngem&emBertelli (1996) demonstrate that
near-infrared (J, J-K) photometry would resolve unambiguously
the degeneracy between extinction and age-metallicity.
The sensitivity of the slope of a power-law initial mass function
is demonstrated by changing the slope of the original population
from to 1.35 (model h). Figure 3h displays
the corresponding diagnostic CMD.
The residuals for the simulation with a shallower slope are dominating
the upper part of the diagnostic diagram, while the residuals from
the original population are concentrated near the faint detection
The large number of residuals give rise to an increase of the
value obtained for the Poisson merit function. As mentioned in Sect. 3.1
this behaviour provides a strong constraint in the determination
of the slope of the power-law IMF. Note in addition that the distribution
of the residuals is quite different from the other panels in
Fig. 3. One should realize however that no strong constraint for
the power-law IMF can be obtained when main sequence stars below the
turn-off are not available for analysis.
The final demonstration (model i) invokes a synthetic population
generated for an increasing star formation rate
with a characteristic time scale of 1 Gyr.
The uncertainties given in Table 2 (see also Sect. 3.1) already
suggest that a study of the star formation rate cannot be done
reliably when a small age range is considered.
However, the differences in the index of the exponential
star formation rate are for this simulation suitably chosen,
such that some differences will show up.
The residuals of the simulation with an increasing star
formation rate are displayed in Fig. 3i.
The diagnostic CMD shows two parallel sequences
comparable to the sequence in Figs. 3c and 3g. This
partly provides an indication of the difficulties involved
in studies of the star formation rate. It further shows once more
that (V, V-I) CMDs are not an optimal choice to study differences
in star formation histories, because it will be difficult
to distinguish differences in the extinction, metallicity,
star formation history and even small age differences
from one another. Additional photometry in other passbands
ought to be used instead.
Up: Stellar population synthesis diagnostics
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)