Up: Solar image segmentation by
Our sunspot image is taken at the center of . Our
purpose is to divide the image
into regions of different activity (e.g., umbra, penumbra, active
regions) and therefore the problem now is reduced in a relaxation labeling
Relaxation labeling processes were originally developed
to reduce ambiguity and noise and select the best label
among several possible choices in vision systems
(Hummel & Zucker 1983).
We consider it as a particular case of combinatorial optimization
problems (e.g., Titterington 1985;
Jeffrey & Rosner 1986)
for which the cost function corresponds to the global energy of
a complex physical system
(e.g., Carnevali et al. 1985;
Hiriyannaiah et al. 1989;
Bilbro et al. 1991;
Hérault & Horaud 1993;
Bratsolis & Sigelle 1997).
Let be the set of
gray levels (labels or classes).
A label random variable
is associated for each site ,where N is the number of pixels.
The true distribution of ls is unknown, but based on
some measurements, a probability distribution P(ls):
is estimated for such a random variable.
Real images are often inhomogeneous, with nearly uniform regions
separated by relatively sharp edges. To get round this problem,
local energy functions have been introduced.
To express the local properties of an image, a neighborhood system
of r-pixels is
defined as a collection of pixels that are assumed to interact
directly with s-pixel. A basic characteristic of most images
is that intensity values at neighbor locations r and s are likely to be
similar (e.g., Besag 1974;
Besag 1986).
The Hamiltonian of our system is the cost function of the lattice.
Using some ideas from Statistical Physics, we can use a Potts
potential interaction model Urs (Wu 1982;
Bratsolis & Sigelle 1997).
| |
(2) |
where K is a constant and , random (unit) vectors
at sites s, r under a (q-1)-dimensional space with values in R.
One of the basic ideas of the
mean-field approximation, is to find the best linear approximation,
in a statistical sense, of a Hamiltonian expression.
So, Eq. (2) is written up to a constant,
| |
(3) |
where , the expected value of vector .and the expected value of vector .Using mean-field theory, we consider only the first two terms of
Eq. (3). Each local energy function is thus approximated
by a sum of first-order clique potentials,
leading to a quasi-independent vector
The total energy of the Potts model with mean-field approximation up to a constant is:
| |
(4) |
| |
(5) |
where is the effective magnetic field (in physical sense) produced
by neighbors of site s and Ns the set of the r-neighbors of the site s.
There is no link between the effective magnetic field and sunspot
magnetic field.
Calling now the configuration of these neighbor sites, we have
| |
(6) |
Here is simultaneously the
local and global Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution , on account
of our assumption of vector variables independence. The expected value
of vector at site s is then computed as
| |
(7) |
Equation (7) gives rise to a self-consistent nonlinear
dynamical system of q equations, where T > 0 is a parameter at
our disposal and, in physical terms, represents the "absolute temperature''
of the system. The strict relationship between
Markov random-field hypothesis is evident.
An extended mathematical description of Potts interaction with
mean-field approximation is in
Bratsolis & Sigelle (1997).
The mean-field equations in a probabilistic interpretation
in iterative form is given by:
| |
(8) |
where P(ls= i) is the probability for the label of
the site s to be at the state i,
Kiirs are the potential coefficients
as elements of a diagonal matrix (in image processing plays the role of
a smoothness factor), B is the external field (here plays the role of
a roughness factor) and ls0
is the initial label of the site s, new refers to instant t+1
and old to instant t.
In the simplest case we take K as a scalar and we have:
| |
(9) |
Combinatorial optimization problems having multiple conflicting
constraints are called ill-posed or nonconvex. Nonconvex problems
typically have numerous suboptimal solutions manifested as local
minima in the energy function.
The powerful tool of simulated annealing, which, in theory, eventually
converges to an optimal solution, has been applied to a variety of
nonconvex combinatorial optimization problems. The control parameter
T takes an initial value .
The deterministic nature of mean-field method acts on the system
so that the major part of label changes occur
in a small temperature region below critical temperature .The temperature T here is a parameter that reduced following a cooling schedule.
Thus it's enough to start mean field annealing at some temperature
a little higher than in order to reach convergence. There is no link
between the parameters and and the measured solar temperatures.
Simulated annealing algorithm reaches an optimal configuration
the same way the annealing process of a solid does into its (globally) lowest
energy state. In Conventional Simulated Annealing
(Geman & Geman 1984) there
is an initial temperature such that at step k we have
A similar technique developed by
Szu & Hartley (1987)
employs the following Fast Cooling Schedule:
Both temperature schedules have been tested within our deterministic
frame, leading to
very similar
results (Bratsolis & Sigelle 1997).
The composition of probabilistic mean-field approximation with the fast
cooling schedule gives the following Mean Field Fast Annealing (MFFA)
This algorithm propose a relaxation labeling process.
MFFA algorithm
(with K as a scalar), (Figs. 5,
6, 7).
1. Define : number of sweeps,
and : initial temperature.
2. Initialize q buffers of size N with
3. For Use [Eq. (9)].
4. If Round off and display taking
Figure 5:
Results of MFFA
after a misclassification of 35% of pixels by adding uniform
channel noise on this image
with q=4, K=1.0 and B=1.0.
The number of sweeps is k=8.
: Artificial image.
: Degraded channel noisy image.
: Relaxation result.
: Classification error as number of steps |
Figure 6:
Sunspot image of Fig. 3
after MFFA application. The labels now
are three. Labels of too small isolated areas are disappeared |
Figure 7:
Sunspot image of Fig. 4
after MFFA application. The labels now
are six. Labels of too small isolated areas are disappeared |
Taking K = 1.0 and B = 1.0 in four-connectivity, i.e.,
the neighborhood of the site s contains the four nearest
pixels, experimental tests give
(Bratsolis & Sigelle 1997)
for q=4, and for q=8, . In any case we
accept .
Up: Solar image segmentation by
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)