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2. The basic parameters

In the galsat-type ephemerides, the Jovicentric Earth-equatorial coordinates of the Galilean satellites are computed as a function of 50 "galsat'' parameters (Lieske 1977). The definitions of the basic parameters upon which the theory depends are given in Tables 2 (click here) and 3 (click here). It is seen that they are a combination of physical parameters and orbital elements.

In the E5 ephemerides, we employed the satellite masses (tex2html_wrap_inline1574) and Jupiter pole which were determined by Campbell & Synnott (1985) from their analysis of the Voyager data. The Jupiter pole is a function of the longitude of the origin of the coordinates tex2html_wrap_inline1576 [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1578], and the inclination tex2html_wrap_inline1580 of Jupiter's equator to Jupiter's orbit [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1582], with some dependence upon the Jupiter orbital inclination to the ecliptic [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1584], Jupiter's node tex2html_wrap_inline1586 [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1588], and the obliquity tex2html_wrap_inline1572 of the ecliptic [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1592]. The mass of the Jupiter system was that of JPL ephemeris DE140 (Standish & Folkner 1995) Sun/Jupiter-system = 1047.3486. Ephemerides E3 and E4 employed Jupiter system masses which are consistent with JPL ephemeris DE125 (Standish 1985), Sun/Jupiter-system = 1047.349. The Jupiter pole employed was tex2html_wrap_inline1598 and tex2html_wrap_inline1600 at the theory epoch JED 2443000.5 and in the B1950 frame. The rate of tex2html_wrap_inline1576 [theory parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1578] models the secular motion of Jupiter's pole from the theory epoch. Jupiter's oblateness parameters J2 and J4 were also taken from the Campbell & Synnott analysis. They correspond to theory parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1610 and tex2html_wrap_inline1612 in Table 2 (click here).

Over the years different tables of tex2html_wrap1545 have been used for the calculation of Ephemeris Time (barycentric dynamical time TDB) minus Universal Time. The appropriate table of tex2html_wrap1545 values depends upon what model of the Moon's tidal acceleration one adopts. The Earth's Moon was most often used to determine values of tex2html_wrap1545 prior to 1955 because of its rapid motion. The derived values of tex2html_wrap1545 effectively depend upon a partitioning into portions due to lunar tidal effects versus real changes in tex2html_wrap1545. It essentially depends upon the parameter employed to describe the lunar tidal acceleration tex2html_wrap1550. The classical determination of tex2html_wrap1551 arcsec/cy2 by Spencer Jones (1939) was employed for the E1 and E2 (Lieske 1980) ephemerides by means of the Brouwer (1952) and Martin (1969) values of tex2html_wrap1545, which were on the Spencer Jones system.

The Morrison and Ward (1975) value of tex2html_wrap1553 arcsec/cy2 was used for E3, E4 and E5. Tables of tex2html_wrap1545 given by Stephenson & Morrison (1984) can be adjusted for any tex2html_wrap1550 by the technique noted in Lieske (1987) for times prior to 1955.5 by computing

where tex2html_wrap1556 is measured in centuries from the 1955.5 epoch of Morrison (1980). The theory parameters of E1 and E2 are consistent with the Spencer-Jones value of tex2html_wrap1550, while those for E3 through E5 are consistent with that of Morrison and Ward.


Table 2: Definition of theory parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1572


Table 3: Definition of theory parameters tex2html_wrap1544

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