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2. Observations and data reduction

Observations were carried out in two separate VLBI sessions (September 1993 and May 1994) using the 6 antennas listed in Table 1 (click here). The data (taken in right circular polarization, RCP) were recorded in MK3 mode A, allowing a total bandwidth of 56 MHz. The fourteen 4-MHz bands were split between X band (8.3 GHz) with 8 channels (32 MHz) and the S band with 6 channels (24 MHz). Due to hardware limitations, Noto could record only 4 channels at X band in session 1, and again 4 at X band and 2 at S band in session 2.


Antenna Diam. Sens. (Jy) Sens. (Jy)
(m) X-band S-band
Medicina (I) 32 240 850
Onsala (S) 20 2070 1530
Effelsberg (D) 100 40 250
Noto (I) 32 1800 1450
Wettzell (D ) 22 660 880
Matera (I) 22 3050 3330
Table 1: Telescope participating in the observations. The sensitivity given in the table is the ratio between the system temperature (in K) and the gain (in K/Jy). Low values mean good sensitivities



IAU Name ID z LogP LASMorph. tex2html_wrap_inline1520 tex2html_wrap_inline1522 tex2html_wrap_inline1524 HPBWX from class.
W Hz-1 mas Jy mas (PA) Jy mas (PA)
(1)    (2) (3)(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)                 (9)      (10) (11) (12)
0201+113Q3.61 28.4 P 0.56 25.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.5 (60) 0.67 9.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.3 (53) DS cG
0237-027Q1.11627.3 S 0.26 20.9 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 13.7 (58) 0.80 7.5 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.3 (64) W cG
0237-233Q2.22328.5 S? 3.27 49.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 16.9 (37) 1.93 21.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.5 (33) DS GPS
0500+019G0.58326.9 10 S 1.56 26.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 11.4 (70) 1.36 9.8 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.4 (68) DS GPS
0511-220Q1.29627.5 S?-CJ?0.33 38.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 19.2 (42) 0.86 14.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 5.4 (49) DS cG
0743-006Q0.99427.3 P 0.70 26.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 13.0 (-78) 1.71 8.4 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.5 (84) DS GPS
0922+005Q1.72 27.6 S?-CJ?0.45 24.4 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 12.5 (-73) 0.41 10.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.5 (-87) W FS
0941-080G0.228 50 D 0.92 37.9 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 18.0 (-57) 0.20 8.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 5.4 (-81) DS CSS
0941+261Q2.90627.7 ND ND --- ND --- BMSL CSS
1143-245Q1.95027.9 S 1.11 40.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 20.3 (41) 0.92 16.8 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 6.0 (39) DS GPS
1237-101Q0.75326.9 S 0.82 23.4 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 14.3 (51) 0.67 7.9 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.2 (47) DS GPS
1317-005Q0.89226.8 P 0.18 20.9 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 13.0 (-54) 0.11 7.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.8 (50) W CSS
1502+036Q0.41126.3 S 0.51 28.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 11.3 (56) 0.61 13.5 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.2 (46) W FS
1518+047G1.29627.5 150 D 1.69 22.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.2 (53) 0.40 10.5 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.6 (44) DS GPS
1607+268G0.47326.7 60 D 2.39 18.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532  9.9 (66) 0.90 9.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.7 (48) DS GPS
1629+120Q1.79527.7 1150 D 0.29 31.9 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.0 (53) 0.11 10.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.1 (44) BMSL CSS
1848+283Q2.56 28.1 P 0.24 22.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.6 (54) 1.44 8.3 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.4 (51) DS GPS
2044-027Q0.94227.1 40 S 0.29 28.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 17.9 (62) 0.03 10.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 4.3 (50) DS CSS
2126-158Q3.26828.4 P 0.56 33.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 14.7 (42) 0.86 13.0 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.9 (41) DS cG
2128+048G0.99 27.5 60 D? 2.25 24.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 12.1 (61) 1.28 8.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.7 (53) DS GPS
2137+209Q1.57627.4 50 S 0.63 24.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532  9.8 (52) 0.23 9.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.3 (46) DS CSS
2210+016G ... 100 T-CPLX1.20 23.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 12.3 (60) 0.40 9.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.7 (54) DS CSS
2223+210Q1.95927.9 S 0.79 22.3 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.0 (57) 1.23 8.8 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 2.9 (50) BMSL CSS
2351-006Q0.46 26.0 S 0.29 24.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 12.6 (60) 0.27 8.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.9 (65) W ?
1402-012Q2.51827.8 P 0.49 19.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 11.8 (-83) 0.29 5.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.3 (-84) W cG
1602+576Q2.85 27.8120 D? 0.57 17.8 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 10.6 (89) 0.34 4.1 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 2.4 (90)BMSL CSS
1629+680Q2.47527.7 120 C-J 0.79 20.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 11.0 (84) 0.20 5.2 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.5 (70) BMSL CSS
1801+010Q1.52227.7 P 1.64 21.6 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 13.6 (68) 1.05 5.5 tex2html_wrap_inline1532 3.2 (80) BMSL cG

Table 2: Observed sources: Col. 1 shows the IAU name, Col. (2) the optical ID, Col. 3 the redshift from literature data, Col. 4 the radio power at 5 GHz, Col. 5 displays the largest angular size, Col. 6 contains the VLBI classification from our data (P = pointlike; S = single component, resolved either at S or at X band, or both; D = double; C-J = core-jet; T = triple; CPLX = complex. ND = Not Detected). Columns 7 and 9 report the total cleaned flux density ad 2.3 and 8.3 GHz respectively, while Cols. 8 and 10 show the resolution achieved in the images at 2.3 and 8.3 GHz. Column 11 indicates where the source has been drawn from: DS is for Dallacasa & Stanghellini (1991), W is for Wills (1979), BMSL is for Barthel et al. (1988). Finally, Col. 12 presents our proposed classification as GPS, CSS, candidate GPS (cG) and flat spectrum source (FS)


The VLBI data were correlated at the MPIfR VLBI MK3 correlator in Bonn. A-priori calibration, fringe fitting, editing, self-calibration and imaging were then performed by means of the Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS) developed at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).

For unknown reasons, at X-band the sensitivity of Onsala in session 1 was about a factor of 100 lower than expected and all the baselines to this station had to be discarded.

Amplitudes were calibrated using 0235+164 (session 1) and 1739+522 (session 2), both assumed to be unresolved on our baselines, and with flux densities measured at Effelsberg during the VLBI run. The a-priori amplitude calibration suffered from the lack of the TSYS measurements at Wettzell, while at other sites narrow-band and time-varying radio interferences at S band corrupted the accuracy of the TSYS reported in the observing logs, and reduced the correlated amplitude due to occasional saturation of the detector. The final effect is a reduction in the accuracy of the absolute flux density calibration and in a reduced dynamic range of the images.

Each source was observed for a number of 13-min scans (3-5, depending on the source declination in session 1 and 8-10 in session 2) in a range of hour angle, in order to allow the imaging of simple morphologies.

In session 1 we also observed 1607+268 (CTD 93, with a well known double structure) in order to test the reliability of our results.

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