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3. Comparison with other work

Numerous papers for the transition dealt with here have appeared over the past 10 years or so. These have all been based on essentially the same R-matrix suite of programs as the one we use, but with different target wavefunctions. Obviously it is important to compare some of this earlier work with ours, especially in those cases where there exist significant differences between the tex2html_wrap_inline2138 results. Note that the comparisons we make concern calculations in which the target wavefunctions have more than two terms.

The three ions we have selected for comparison, namely those corresponding to Z = 14, 26 and 28, have been studied by Mohan and collaborators: Si+5 (Mohan & Le Dourneuf 1990), Fe+17 (Mohan et al. 1987), Ni+19 (Mohan et al. 1990). Each of these raises questions which we now comment on.

3.1. Si VI

Mohan & Le Dourneuf (1990) tabulate the effective collision strength tex2html_wrap_inline2868 for Si VI as a function of temperature. They calculated tex2html_wrap_inline2138 using the collision strength they had obtained earlier by means of a 16 state close-coupling expansion in LS coupling. As can be seen in Fig. 11, where we plot tex2html_wrap_inline2138 as a function of logtex2html_wrap_inline3376, their tabulated results rise dramatically with temperature when this exceeds about tex2html_wrap_inline3378. Burgess et al. (1991) were able to make a reliable spline fit to Mohan & Le Dourneuf's data using the program OMEUPS (see Burgess & Tully 1992), the r.m.s. error of the fit being 2.2%. In order to get a fit to this accuracy Burgess et al. (1991) omitted the lowest two temperature points given in the table. Mohan (private communication) had previously informed one of us (JAT) that the published value at the lowest temperature, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3380, was unreliable. However he gave no explanation why this was so.

Saraph & Tully (1994) state that at higher temperatures (not energies, as printed incorrectly in their paper) the results of Mohan & Le Dourneuf (1990) indicate a steep rise in the effective collision strength that is due to resonances converging on higher target states (i.e. on terms above tex2html_wrap_inline2130). The present investigation shows, however, that the reason for the increase manifested by the starred data points in Fig. 11 is principally due to the fact that Mohan & Le Dourneuf (1990) used the trapezoidal rule to carry out the integration over energy. Since there is a big gap in their tabulation of tex2html_wrap_inline2128 between about 10 Ry and 48 Ry, this numerical method should not have been used; see Burgess et al (1997b) for a detailed explanation. The gap is apparent in Fig. 12a where we plot tex2html_wrap_inline3386 as a function of energy: the collision strength is taken from the atomic databank at The Queen's University of Belfast (QUB). The gap is spanned in the figure by a dashed straight line. The resonances above 48 Ry in Fig. 12a, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3388 the highest target term included by Mohan & Le Dourneuf, are clearly responsible for the peak in tex2html_wrap_inline2138 near tex2html_wrap_inline3392 seen in Fig. 11 (curves a and b). The origin and physical significance, if any, of these resonances have not been explained by Mohan and Le Dourneuf. Fig. 12b shows that, as is to be expected, tex2html_wrap_inline2128 from the IRON Project has no structure in the region beyond about 12 Ry. Consequently the resulting curve c in Fig. 11 does not have a peak in the region of tex2html_wrap_inline3392.

Figure 11: tex2html_wrap_inline3398: Using Mohan & Le Dourneuf's (1990) tex2html_wrap_inline2128 from the QUB atomic databank and a) the trapezoidal rule, b) the linear interpolation method. tex2html_wrap_inline2276: Mohan & Le Dourneuf (1990); c) IRON Project

Figure 12: tex2html_wrap_inline3398: a) tex2html_wrap_inline2128 by Mohan & Le Dourneuf (1990) from the QUB atomic databank; b) IRON Project

3.2. Fe XVIII

Saraph & Tully (1994) state that the effective collision strength given by Mohan et al. (1987) rises steeply at higher energies. This is wrong on two counts. Firstly, since the effective collision strength is a function of T they should have said "at higher temperatures'' and not "at higher energies''. Secondly, the effective collision strength that Mohan et al. (1987) tabulate does not vary enormously with temperature. As can be seen in Fig. 13, where we show tex2html_wrap_inline2138 versus logtex2html_wrap_inline3376 from Mohan et al. (1987) and the IRON Project, tex2html_wrap_inline2138 rises only slightly at temperatures above one million degrees. The effective collision strength from Mohan et al. (1987) lies about 10% lower than the present one. This may be due to the fact that they include less target terms in their close-coupling expansion and use a much coarser energy mesh than we do.

Figure 13: tex2html_wrap_inline3420: a) Mohan et al. (1987); b) IRON Project

In Figs. 14 and 15 we compare the collision strength by Mohan et al. (1987) from the QUB atomic databank with the present calculation.

Figure 14: tex2html_wrap_inline3420: a) tex2html_wrap_inline2128 by Mohan et al. (1987) from the QUB atomic databank; b) IRON Project

Figure 15: tex2html_wrap_inline3420: a) tex2html_wrap_inline2128 by Mohan et al. (1987) from the QUB atomic databank; b) IRON Project

3.3. Ni XX

Mohan et al. (1990) tabulate tex2html_wrap_inline2138 for this ion as a function of T. The range covered is from T = 104 to T = 107. Now according to Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985) Ni XX has its maximum coronal abundance at about tex2html_wrap_inline3444, so the tabulation by Mohan et al. does not cover the temperature range of interest fully. Figure 16 shows tex2html_wrap_inline2138 as a function of logtex2html_wrap_inline3376. The starred points (tex2html_wrap_inline2276) correspond to data taken from Table 1 in Mohan et al. (1990), while the full line curve represents the present results. Both sets of results have a maximum at a temperature below logtex2html_wrap_inline3452. Although the maxima occur at approximately the same value of logtex2html_wrap_inline3376, they differ in size somewhat. At temperatures above 106, the present tex2html_wrap_inline2138 exhibits a second peak which, although not present in the tabulation of Mohan et al. (1990), does show when we thermally average their collision strength from the QUB atomic databank. We conclude that Mohan et al. (1990) may have truncated the integration over energy too soon when calculating tex2html_wrap_inline2138.

Figure 16: tex2html_wrap_inline3356: a) Mohan et al. (1990); b) IRON Project

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