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1. Introduction

The present calculation forms part of the IRON Project, an international joint undertaking whose aims are spelt out by Hummer et al. (1993). This, being the first paper of the project, is henceforth referred to as IP I. In IP IV, Saraph & Tully (1994) give thermally averaged collision strengths for the ground term fine structure transition in fluorine like ions from Ne II to Fe XVIII. These authors used a simple target consisting of the two terms tex2html_wrap_inline2178 and tex2html_wrap_inline2130. They included in their model a non spectroscopic orbital tex2html_wrap_inline2182 which greatly improved the theoretical term energies. In this way it was possible to obtain reliable rate coefficients at relatively low temperatures, such as those associated with photoionized nebular clouds for example.

Here we use an extended target representation of 28 terms. At energies between tex2html_wrap_inline2130 and the 28th term the resulting collision strengths all contain resonance structures caused by quasi-bound states that converge onto these terms. We delineate these resonances by calculating tex2html_wrap_inline2128 at several thousand energies above tex2html_wrap_inline2130. Our results for tex2html_wrap_inline2128 at these higher energies are combined with those from IP IV and used to obtain thermally averaged collision strengths tex2html_wrap_inline2192 which we estimate should be reliable at the higher temperatures typical of coronal ionization equilibrium conditions. We include the ions Co+18 and Ni+19 which were not dealt with in IP IV. For these we carried out a 2-term calculation, as in IP IV, in order to cover the energy range between the ground (tex2html_wrap_inline2198) and first excited (tex2html_wrap_inline2132) terms. The observed energy of this interval is estimated to be 9.944962 Ry for Z = 27 and 10.51617 Ry for Z = 28.

We make use of the rydberg (Ry) energy unit. For this we adopt the value 1 Ry = 109737.32 tex2html_wrap_inline2206 which corresponds to a wavelength of 911.267 . All of the IRON Project papers that have been published to date are given in the references section. Details of these and of papers that are in press are also available on the Internet at

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