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2. Source selection and observations

The star list was compiled from a larger list of stars for which accurate near infrared narrow-band photometry had previously been obtained (Selby et al. 1988; Hammersley et al. 1997). The stars were chosen as single and non variable, with spectral type in the range K9 to A0 and luminosity class III to V. However, in practice, the stars observed for this paper are K and G giants as these are the only suitable sources which are sufficiently bright to give a high signal to noise ratio at 10tex2html_wrap_inline1357m. Their V magnitudes are typically between 3 and 5.5 and their K magnitudes between -3 and 2. A list of fainter stars (K between 2 and 3) was also planned but could not be observed, with one exception, due to lack of time. All the data necessary to apply the IRFM on these stars were then already available.

The observations were performed at the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea (Hawaii) during four nights between February 25th and March 1st, 1992. The instrument used was the facility helium cooled bolometer.

The weather conditions were excellent during the four nights with a seeing of 1 arcsec or better, and relative atmospheric humidity of 1%. Programme stars were always observed at airmass between 1.0 and 1.3. The stars were measured in five filters, namely the two broad-band N and Q (10 and 20 tex2html_wrap_inline1357m) and three narrow-band filters 8.7 tex2html_wrap_inline1357m, 9.8tex2html_wrap_inline1357m and 12.5 tex2html_wrap_inline1357m. A beam size of 5 arcsec and a chopper throw of 15 arcsec were used. The integration time was 10 seconds and 6, 12 or 24 cycles were performed in each filter.

A set of 24 programme stars could be observed during the February 92 run. Nine of them were measured twice, on two different nights. Six IRTF standards were observed several times during the run: HR 1457 (tex2html_wrap_inline1455 Tau), HR 2061 (tex2html_wrap_inline1455 Ori), HR 2990 (tex2html_wrap_inline1459 Gem), HR 4069 (tex2html_wrap_inline1357 UMa), HR 4534 (tex2html_wrap_inline1459 Leo) and HR 5340 (tex2html_wrap_inline1455 Boo). These were used to calibrate the atmospheric transmission and instrumental response but not the final flux calibration as will be discussed later. Two of these stars are programme stars bringing the number of stars in the present sample to 26. The main parameters of these stars are listed in Table 1 (click here). Unfortunately, the stars in this paper cover only the range of R.A. from 6 to 18 hours. A second run was planned and allocated for early September 1992, almost exactly six months apart from the first run, in order to complete the sky coverage. Unfortunately, the weather conditions were so bad then that not a single additional star could be observed.


name RA(2000) Dec Spectral tex2html_wrap_inline1421 mV mK tex2html_wrap_inline1473 12 tex2html_wrap_inline1357m tex2html_wrap_inline1473 25 tex2html_wrap_inline1357m
type (Jy) (Jy)
HR 1457 04:35:55.2 +16:30:33 K5III 3920 0.87 -2.85 699.70 153.30
HR 2077 05:59:31.6 +54:17:05 K0III 4795 3.72 1.43 11.68 2.68
HR 2335 06:27:15.5 -00:16:34 K5III 4180 5.54 2.42 5.01 1.17
HR 2443 06:37:53.3 -18:14:15 KIII1 4589 4.42 1.75 8.61 2.15
HR 2459 06:43:04.9 +44:31:28 K5III 4035 5.02 1.54 11.14 2.71
HR 2533 06:51:59.9 +23:36:06 K5III 4084 5.67 2.30 5.83 1.42
HR 2970 07:41:14.8 -09:33:04 K0III 4813 3.94 1.61 10.23 2.37
HR 3145 08:02:15.9 +02:20:04 K2III 4289 4.39 1.42 12.22 2.91
HR 3304 08:26:27.6 +27:53:36 K5III 4162 5.57 2.35 5.22 1.31
HR 3738 09:25:24.0 -05:07:03 K5III 3972 5.59 2.06 7.41 1.74
HR 3834 09:38:27.2 +04:38:57 K3III 4180 4.68 1.52 10.88 2.63
HR 3939 09:59:51.6 +56:48:42 K5III 4052 5.49 2.04 6.91 1.76
HR 4094 10:26:05.4 -16:50:11 K4.5III 4054 3.82 0.34 31.59 7.56
HR 4232 10:49:37.4 -16:11:37 K2III 4349 3.11 0.25 35.08 8.25
HR 4335 11:09:39.7 +44:29:54 KIII1 4597 3.00 0.41 31.02 7.41
HR 4402 11:24:36.5 -10:51:34 K5III 3859 4.82 0.95 18.29 4.46
HR 4701 12:20:50.7 +57:51:50 K5III 4060 5.53 2.09 6.57 1.68
HR 4728 12:25:50.9 +39:01:07 G9III 4987 5.02 2.94 3.11 0.81
HR 4954 13:07:10.6 +27:37:29 K5III 4022 4.81 1.32 14.25 3.45
HR 5315 14:12:53.7 -10:16:25 K3III 4232 4.18 1.00 17.90 4.25
HR 5340 14:15:39.6 +19:10:57 K1III 4321 -0.05 -3.05 793.10 163.05
HR 5616 15:04:26.7 +26:56:51 K2III 4356 4.54 1.64 10.68 2.53
HR 5622 15:06:37.5 -16:15:24 K5III 3896 5.18 1.45 12.05 2.90
HR 6108 16:22:29.1 +33:42:13 K5III 3948 5.40 1.71 9.51 2.32
HR 6159 16:32:36.2 +11:29:17 K7III 3952 4.84 1.22 15.02 3.71
HR 6705 17:56:36.3 +51:29:20 K5III 3986 2.23 -1.31 155.10 37.84
Table 1: The main parameters of the stars observed


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