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6. Spectra obtained

Optical spectra are presented for all program objects in Fig. 4 (click here). They have all been corrected for telluric absorption, though some of the corrections were not as good as we would have thought.

   figure333 figure333 figure333 figure333
Figure 4: The spectra of VLIRGs f tex2html_wrap_inline1161 vs. tex2html_wrap_inline1163. The units of the vertical axis are ergs s -1 cm -2 Å-1
figure333 figure333 figure333 figure333
Figure 4: Continued
figure333 figure333 figure333 figure333
Figure 4: Continued
figure333 figure333 figure333 figure333
Figure 4: Continued

Figure 5: Example of Gaussian fit for H tex2html_wrap_inline1171+[NII] tex2html_wrap_inline1173 emission. Three narrow Gaussian components are used The pluses are observed data

Figure 6: Example of multi-component fit for the galaxies with strong Balmer absorption. One Lorentz absorption and one narrow Gaussian emission components are used

Figure 7: Example of Gaussian fit for Seyfert 1 s. One broad and three narrow Gaussian emission components are used

Figure 8: Distribution of redshift differences between our data and the 2 Jy redshift catalog

The measurements of emission line, absorption line and continuum strengths were performed within the IRAF environment using tasks (SPLOT and SPECFIT). For isolated emission lines such as tex2html_wrap_inline1175, tex2html_wrap_inline1177 and tex2html_wrap_inline1179, both Gaussian fitting and direct integral methods were used. For the blended lines such as tex2html_wrap_inline1181, tex2html_wrap_inline1183, and tex2html_wrap_inline1185 double lines, we employed a multi-Gaussian component method using task SPECFIT, to deblend them. There are three parameters for each Gaussian component: the central wavelength, the total flux and width of the emission line; and two parameters for each continuum component: the flux and the slope. In order to speed up the convergence, some limit conditions were adopted. For example, we fixed the center wavelengths of several components relate to one another. In Fig. 5 (click here), for example, we used the simplex algorithm for the fitting and obtained the result via a chi-square minimization process. As for the spectra with obvious tex2html_wrap_inline1187 absorption indicating an underlying stellar population, a similar method was used. Because of the coexistence of tex2html_wrap_inline1187 emission and absorption, one emission and one absorption component were used for the tex2html_wrap_inline1187 fitting. The wide absorption wings due to stellar populations often cause the absorption to be overestimated if Gaussian model is adopted. To solve this problem, we adopted the Lorentz model as shown in Fig. 6 (click here), and the results seem better. Some of our sample galaxies are Seyfert-like, and their spectra could not fitted well with only single Gaussian component for each of tex2html_wrap_inline1181, tex2html_wrap_inline1187. In those case, we combined one narrow tex2html_wrap_inline1197 and one broad tex2html_wrap_inline1199 Gaussian component as shown in Fig. 7 (click here).

The relative emission-line fluxes are listed in Table 3 for all objects. The typical uncertainty in these measurement is about 10%. Colons (:) and semicolons (;) indicate values with relative uncertainties at about 30% and 50% respectively. For the line tex2html_wrap_inline1177, we could not obtain a value with an uncertainty of less than 20%, because it was at the blue end of the spectra, which can be affected by the low Q.E., lower S/N and poor flux calibration. In some cases, tex2html_wrap_inline1179 lines were heavily affected by the nearby emission lines tex2html_wrap_inline1205 which could increase the uncertainty. The telluric absorption bands tex2html_wrap_inline1151 and tex2html_wrap_inline1153 was also enlarge the uncertainty in the measurement of lines near them, despite the corrections performed. The double lines tex2html_wrap_inline1211, could sometimes be separated, but when this was not possible, only the combined values are given.

The measured redshifts, observed tex2html_wrap_inline1181 fluxes, equivalence widths of tex2html_wrap_inline1181 emission lines, NaID absorption lines and tex2html_wrap_inline1187 absorption lines, and two continuum fluxes (at tex2html_wrap_inline1219 and tex2html_wrap_inline1221) are listed in Table 4. The typical uncertainty in the measured tex2html_wrap_inline1181 fluxes was 15%, as the tex2html_wrap_inline1181 lines often had to be deblended from an overlapping [NII] emission line.

Finally, we compare our measured redshifts with those of corresponding sources in the 2 Jy redshift sample. The distribution of redshift differences is plotted in Fig. 8 (click here). The mean redshift difference is 0.000054 and scatter is 0.00038. This means that our measurements agree well with these of the 2 Jy catalogue.

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