We have presented new data from the optical monitoring of 22 -ray loud blazars included in the Torino observational program. Most of the sources showed a more or less pronounced variability; some of them (PKS 0420-01, OJ 248, 4C 29.45, PKS 1510-08) revealed an intense activity. In general, the patterns of the light curves in different bands are similar; however, in a few cases (PKS 0422+00, 4C 29.45, 3C 454.3) colour changes were observed. The results of intranight observations of 3C 66A and OJ 287 have also been presented, showing microvariability.
Although the time coverage of our light curves is satisfactory for most sources, we recognize the importance of collecting data from many observatories in order to have a better understanding of the flux behaviour. This is especially needed when the observational data are used as a test for the theoretical models. In particular, a complete picture requires to know possible correlations between fluxes at different wavelengths. In this sense we expect that our data contribute to clarify the mechanism responsible for the -ray emission, when a comparison with the data taken by EGRET in the same period will be possible.