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3. Table of scaleheights of galaxies

The scaleheights (H) of 70 southern spiral galaxies and their relative errors are listed in Table 1. At the same time, some parameters of these galaxies are also included, where m is the number of the arms in a galaxy, T the mean numerical Hubble stage index of a galaxy, tex2html_wrap_inline1011 the inclination of a galaxy, tex2html_wrap_inline1015 the wounding parameter of a spiral arm, tex2html_wrap_inline1071 (= arctan (tex2html_wrap_inline1585)) the pitch angle of a spiral arm, h the apparent scaleheight of a galaxy, d the distance of a galaxy from the Galactic Center, H/D0 the flatness of a galaxy (D0 is the isophotal major diameter corrected to the "face-on'' (tex2html_wrap_inline1595), and for Galactic extintion to tex2html_wrap_inline1597, but not for redshift).

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)