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3. Results

In this section, we show the results obtained by the three ways discussed in Sects. 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

3.1. Results - Krejnin's method

We used the same instrument to observe at two different zenith distances (tex2html_wrap_inline1476 and tex2html_wrap_inline1478) at Valinhos. This should be quite effective in avoiding instrumental systematic differences. On the other hand, a single instrument obviously cannot make simultaneous observations in both zenith distances. As a consequence, latitude values tex2html_wrap_inline1638 and tex2html_wrap_inline1640 are themselves not simultaneous, and some interpolation scheme must be introduced for the utilization of Eq. (6).

In the present results, we have computed the mean latitude with respect to the Bureau International de l'Heure (BIH/IERS) for both programmes.

The final computed values from Eq. (6) are:

Before the application of Eq. (5), we must take into account instrumental problems affecting the computation of declinations. In fact the tex2html_wrap_inline1562 are obtained as an addition of the east and west residuals, which means that they may contain instrumental effects such as magnitude and colour index equations. To isolate these effects, we developed the term Ci from Eq. (4) as a function of the magnitude and colour index for the maximum digression stars:

where the symbols mNi and INi refer to normalized magnitude and normalized colour index for each star: mNi=(mgi-4)/2 and INi=(Ii-0.8)/1.2, (Basso 1991).

The results obtained by a least squares method for VL1, VL2 and VL3 catalogues are showed in Table 1 (click here).



B1(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1764 tex2html_wrap_inline1766 tex2html_wrap_inline1768
B2(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1774 tex2html_wrap_inline1776 tex2html_wrap_inline1778
A1(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1784 tex2html_wrap_inline1786 tex2html_wrap_inline1788
tex2html_wrap_inline1712(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1794 tex2html_wrap_inline1796 tex2html_wrap_inline1798

(Martin & Clauzet 1990)

Table 1: Colour and magnitude coefficients for VL1, VL2 and VL3 catalogues - (maximum digression stars)

The larger values of VL3 than those in the other catalogues are probably due to the tex2html_wrap_inline1478 zenith distance observations. The high values confirm the importance of colour and magnitude equations in astrolabe data, as shown by Benevides-Soares (1988) and Chollet & Sanchez (1990).

All declinations tex2html_wrap_inline1802 and tex2html_wrap_inline1804 from Eq. (5) were computed considering the colour and magnitude function above. After this we computed the values of tex2html_wrap_inline1632 and tex2html_wrap_inline1634 by means of Eqs. (5) and (6).



These values, applied in Eq. (4), render the declinations absolute. It is important to note that, through the values of tex2html_wrap_inline1560, we can also extend the results to non-common stars.

3.2. Results - method of differences

The system represented by Eq. (7) was reduced for 29 common stars of VL1 (tex2html_wrap_inline1476) and VL3 (tex2html_wrap_inline1478) and 10 common stars of VL2 (tex2html_wrap_inline1476) and VL3 (tex2html_wrap_inline1478).

The values C(m,I) for both catalogues are very similar to those obtained with the maximum digression stars presented in Table 1 (click here). These results are in agreement with those obtained by Benevides-Soares (1988), Boczko (1989) and Martin & Clauzet (1990) with different procedures.

The equator corrections obtained by the Method of differences are:



The strong value of tex2html_wrap_inline1890 confirms the contamination by the colour and magnitude effects.

3.3. Results - global reduction

We used 381 different stars belonging to the VL1, VL2 and VL3 catalogues obtained at the OAM. Our goal was to determine 269 declination corrections (tex2html_wrap_inline1562), taking into account that 112 stars were at maximum digression condition.

An analysis of the individual values of tex2html_wrap_inline1562 as obtained from global reduction, as well as the extension to the non-common stars, was made based on FK5 system. The tex2html_wrap_inline1562 were obtained as sums of the east and west mean residuals, which means that they may contain instrumental effects such as magnitude and colour equations. In Table 2 (click here), we have given the magnitude and colour index coefficients (instrumental effects) obtained by the global reduction that are comparable with the results obtained by Krejnin's method.


B1(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1922 tex2html_wrap_inline1784 tex2html_wrap_inline1926
B2(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1932 tex2html_wrap_inline1934 tex2html_wrap_inline1936
A1(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1942 tex2html_wrap_inline1944 tex2html_wrap_inline1946
tex2html_wrap_inline1712(tex2html_wrap1836) tex2html_wrap_inline1952 tex2html_wrap_inline1954 tex2html_wrap_inline1946

(Basso 1991)

Table 2: Colour and magnitude coefficients for VL1, VL2 and VL3 catalogues - (global reduction)

These results are comparable with the best results presented in the literature. As we have seen in Table 1 (click here), the results for the VL3 catalogue are stronger and confirm the importance of colour and magnitude function in astrolabe data.

The general standard deviation obtained by the global reduction is 0.13tex2html_wrap_inline1486, and the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1560 is 0.028tex2html_wrap_inline1486 tex2html_wrap_inline1500 0.034tex2html_wrap_inline1486 (Basso 1991).

Thus, the quality of the results is contaminated by the low quality of colour and magnitude errors.

The equator correction obtained is small, confirming the equator used in the FK5 system in the observed zone is compatible with the dynamical values for the equator correction taken with other techniques (Leister 1989), as shown in Fig. 1 (click here).

Figure 1: Equator corrections

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