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3. Simulations

3.1. Object intensity distribution

Simulations were carried out on single sources as well as on multiple sources. The technique has been tested on objects with intensity distribution with smooth edges as well as on objects with sharp edge. Here we discuss the case of an object with multiple sources and sharp edges.

3.2. Search for minima in N in the absence of noise

The true object consists of two sources with unequal intensities. The object plane has a plate scale of tex2html_wrap_inline1699 per pixel. The angular size of source A and B is tex2html_wrap_inline1701 and tex2html_wrap_inline1703 respectively. The two sources are seperated by a angular distance of around tex2html_wrap_inline1705. Figure 1 (click here) shows the true object intensity distribution and Fig. 2 (click here) is the atmospheric psf. The convolution of the object intensity distribution with the atmospheric psf yields the degraded image. Figure 3 (click here) is the convolved image. Fried derived the expression for the coherence function H(u,v) and obtained a value of 5/3 for tex2html_wrap_inline1641. No departures are seen in the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1641 = 5/3 under the conditions of astronomical observations. Assuming tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is known, for each values of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 the degraded image is deconvolved and N is obtained. The plot of N for various tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is given in Fig. 4 (click here). We see that when the deconvolving psf's tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is equal to the true tex2html_wrap_inline1639, N is a minimum.

However experimental evidence for departures from 5/3 power law has been reported in the case of horizontal propogation near the ground (Bouricius & Clifford 1970; Clifford et al. 1971; Buser 1971).

Therefore assuming that tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is unknown, we do the following. For different values of tex2html_wrap_inline1641, the reconstruction is done for a range of tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Figure 5 (click here) is a plot of N vs. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 at a given tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Here again we see that when the deconvolving psf's tex2html_wrap_inline1641 becomes equal to the true psf's tex2html_wrap_inline1641, N goes to a minimum.

Now assuming both tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 are unknown, N is found at each value of tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Figure 6 (click here) is the surface plot of N as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641.

Wrong estimation of one of the parameters, tex2html_wrap_inline1641 or tex2html_wrap_inline1639 leads to inaccurate photometric values and also generates spurious features in the reconstructed image. Figure 7 (click here) is an example of an image degraded by a psf with tex2html_wrap_inline1767, but reconstructed using tex2html_wrap_inline1769, tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm and Fig. 8 (click here) is reconstruction done with correct value of tex2html_wrap_inline1641 but with a tex2html_wrap_inline1639 = 5.5 cm instead of the true tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. We can clearly see spurious features in both the reconstructions.

In the presence of noise we need to reduce the grid size of the parameters in order to get the correct tex2html_wrap_inline1639 or tex2html_wrap_inline1641.

3.3. Parametric search in the presence of noise

The above simulations were repeated with different kinds of noise added to the blurred image.

Figure 9 (click here) is the image degraded by the atmospheric psf with tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm and tex2html_wrap_inline1767. A uniform distribution noise is added to the degraded image. The signal to noise ratio in all the noisy images is around 5.0.

Figure 10 (click here) is the plot of the number of non positive pixels N for various values of Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 in the presence of additive noise and Fig. 11 (click here) is the plot of the number of non positive pixels N in each reconstructed image for different values of tex2html_wrap_inline1641. In both the plots we see that at the minima in N occurs at the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Figure 12 (click here) is the surface plot of N as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639. A search for the minima in N gives the exact values of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641 of the true psf.

Figure 13 (click here) is the convolved image to which zero mean Gaussian white noise has been added. Figure 14 (click here) is the plot of the number of non positive pixels N in each reconstructed image for different values of Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Figure 15 (click here) and Fig. 16 (click here) are the plots of N against tex2html_wrap_inline1639 for reduced grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639, 0.5cm and 0.1 cm respectively. It is seen that the minima in N occurs at a tex2html_wrap_inline1639 close to the true tex2html_wrap_inline1639.

Figure 17 (click here) is the surface plot of the number of non positive pixels N in the tex2html_wrap_inline1639, tex2html_wrap_inline1641 parameter space. The minima in N gives the true tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641.

Figure 18 (click here) is the image intensity distribution with additive Poisson noise. Figures 19 (click here), 20 (click here) and 21 (click here) are the plots of the number of non positive pixels N against the Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 with grid size in tex2html_wrap_inline1639 equal to 1.0 cm, 0.5 cm and 0.1 cm respectively. We can see that for a grid size in tex2html_wrap_inline1639 equal to 1.0 cm the minima in N occurs at 2.0 cm. When the grid size is reduced to 0.5 cm the minima in N shifts to 5.5 cm and the minima in N stays at 5.5 cm when the grid size is reduced to 0.1 cm. Hence in the presence of noise reduction of grid size helps to identify the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641 more accurately.

Figure 22 (click here) is the surface plot of N in the parameter space of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The minima in N occurs at the true tex2html_wrap_inline1639 and tex2html_wrap_inline1641.

However, any deconvolution performed on these images will not give the correct reconstruction unless the noise is filtered.

Figure 1: True object intensity distribution. Two sources with unequal intensities. Plate scale in the image plane is tex2html_wrap_inline1699 per pixel. Angular seperation between the two sources is tex2html_wrap_inline1869. Angular size of stronger source is tex2html_wrap_inline1871 and the angular size of the weaker sfource is tex2html_wrap_inline1873

Figure 2: The atmospheric point spread function (psf) with tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline1877, tex2html_wrap_inline1767

Figure 3: The true object intensity distribution (Fig. 1) convolved with the atmospheric psf (Fig. 2) and produces this degraded image. Since the atmospheric psf is wider the angular separation between the two sources the blurred image is seen as a broadened single source

Figure 4: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) with varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. True tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 5.0 cm. Minima in N occurs at tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm

Figure 5: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. True tex2html_wrap_inline1767. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1767

Figure 6: Surface plot of N for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and the Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. The tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 corresponding to the minmum of N gives the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 values

Figure 7: Image intensity distribution reconstructed using a Fried parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 of 5.0 cm but instead of tex2html_wrap_inline1767, tex2html_wrap_inline1769 has been used. Spurious features can be seen in the reconstruction

Figure 8: Image reconstructed using tex2html_wrap_inline1641 of 1.67. The tex2html_wrap_inline1639 value used in this reconstruction is tex2html_wrap_inline1933 cm instead of 5.0 cm which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1639. Spurious features can be seen in the reconstructed image

Figure 9: Object intensity distribution degraded by the atmospheric psf. An uniform noise is added to the blurred image. The signal to noise in the image is 5.0

Figure 10: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive uniform distribution noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm

Figure 11: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The Fried's parameter fixed at 5.0 cm which is the true value of tex2html_wrap_inline1639. True tex2html_wrap_inline1767. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1767

Figure 12: Surface plot of N for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and the Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 for an image with uniform distribution noise added. The tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 corresponding to the minmum of N gives the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 values

Figure 13: Object intensity distribution degraded by the atmospheric psf. Zero mean Gaussian white noise is added to the blurred image. The signal to noise in the image is 5.0

Figure 14: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Zero mean Gaussian white noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 1.0 cm.
True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm

Figure 15: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Zero mean Gaussian white noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 0.5 cm.
True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm

Figure 16: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Zero mean Gaussian white noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 0.1 cm. True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm

Figure 17: Surface plot of N for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and the Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 for an image with zero mean Gaussian white noise. The tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 corresponding to the minmum of N gives the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 values

Figure 18: Object intensity distribution degraded by the atmospheric psf. Poisson noise is added to the blurred image. The signal to noise in the image is 5.0

Figure 19: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Poisson noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 1.0 cm.
True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline2057 cm

Figure 20: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Poisson noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of ro is 0.5 cm.
True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at tex2html_wrap_inline1933 cm

Figure 21: Plot of number of non positive pixels N (including zeros in the image plane) in a blurred image with additive Poisson noise against varying Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639. tex2html_wrap_inline1641 is fixed at 1.67 which is the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641. The grid size of tex2html_wrap_inline1639 is 0.1 cm.
True tex2html_wrap_inline1771 cm. Minima in N at ro = 5.5 cm

Figure 22: Surface plot of N for different values of the power index tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and the Fried's parameter tex2html_wrap_inline1639 for an image with Poisson noise. The tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 corresponding to the minmum of N gives the true tex2html_wrap_inline1641 and tex2html_wrap_inline1639 values

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