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2. Sample and observations

Our present sample consists of 38 early-type galaxies, with ellipticals and lenticulars in roughly equal proportions. This set adds up to the 21-object sample of Paper I; there are four objects in common (NGC 2329, NGC 2332, NGC 4434 and UGC 3696), whose new measurements have been included in the present work for comparison purposes. Relevant catalog elements are presented in Table 1 (click here). The Es have ellipticities corresponding to classes between tex2html_wrap_inline692 E0 and tex2html_wrap_inline692 E4, and the S0s are moderately to highly flattened. The distances are in the range of tex2html_wrap_inline696 to tex2html_wrap_inline698 Mpc (for tex2html_wrap_inline700). The absolute magnitudes are intermediate (-21.8 < MB < -17.3).

Col. (2): morphological type (from the LEDA database);
Cols. (3), (4): coordinates;
Col. (5): tex2html_wrap_inline704, heliocentric radial velocity, in kms-1 (from LEDA);
Col. (6): tex2html_wrap_inline708, integrated blue magnitude, corrected for Galactic extinction and k term (as calculated by Prugniel & Simien 1997, hereafter PS97; except for NGC 2332 and UGC 3792, for which tex2html_wrap_inline708 is from LEDA);
Col. (7): -MB, absolute B magnitude (for a distance modulus from PS97, corresponding to tex2html_wrap_inline700);
Col. (8): tex2html_wrap_inline720, effective radius (from PS97), in arcsec;
Col. (9): tex2html_wrap_inline722, ellipticity;
Col. (10): PA, position angle of major axis, in degrees (North through East);
Col. (11): reference for tex2html_wrap_inline722 and PA, 1= Djorgovski (1985), 2= Michard (1985), 3= LEDA;
Col. (12): tex2html_wrap_inline726, central velocity dispersion available in the literature, from an updated version of the compilation in PS96 (excluding all previous measurements by ourselves), in kms-1;
Col. (13): tex2html_wrap_inline730, maximum rotation velocity available in the literature, from PS96 (same remarks as for tex2html_wrap_inline726), in kms-1.
Table 1: Catalog elements

The observations have been secured at the 1.93-m telescope of the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, equipped with the CARELEC long-slit spectrograph. In March and June 1995, two observing runs totalling 12 nights collected spectra on the major axis of the galaxies.

The atmospheric conditions were variable, with a seeing disk between 2'' and 3.5'' (FWHM) for most objects, but up to tex2html_wrap_inline740 for three of them. The log of the observations is given in Table 2, which is proposed in electronic form only.

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