A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 125, November I 1997, 399-405
Received April 10, 1996; accepted January 14, 1997
J.E. Arlot, C. Ruatti, W. Thuillot, J. Arsenijevic, R. Baptista, J. Barroso Jr., C. Bauer, J. Berthier, C. Blanco, P. Bouchet, J. Bourgeois, H.J.J. Bulder, R. Burchi, J.A. Cano, R. Casas, F. Chauvet, D. Chis, F. Colas, J. Colin, V. D'Ambrosio, G. De Angelis, G. De Benedetto, H. Denzau, J.M. Desbats, P. Descamps, A. Dipaolantonio, A. Dumitrescu, L. Farcas, M. Federspiel, T. Flatrès, M. Froeschlé, O. Gherega, J.M. Gomez-Forrellad, J. Guarro, O. Hainaut, A. Horvat, G. Helmer, D. Hube, Y. Ito, M. Kidger, J. Lecacheux, J.F. Le Campion, J.C. Le Floch, A. Mallama, B.E. Martin, J.F. Mellilo, C. Meyer, S. Molau, G. Montignac, B. Morando, B. Nicolet, B. Nitschelm, G. Oprescu, A. Piersimoni, D. Przewozny, V. Protitch-Benishek, M. Rapaport, A. Riou, J.J. Sacré, F. Sèvre, V. Shkodrov, J. Souchay, H. Takami, R. Taylor, D.J. Tholen, V. Turcu, R. Vasundhara, J. Vidal, D.T. Vu, G. White, and R.P. Wilds
Send offprint request: J.-E. Arlot
1 Bureau des longitudes, URA 707 du CNRS, 77 avenue Denfert-Rochereau,
75014 Paris, France; 2 Observatorio Nacional, Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil; 3 Istituto di Astronomia, Catania, Italy; 4 European
Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile; 5 Reux, Belgique; 6 Zoetermeer,
The Netherlands; 7 Osservatorio di Collurania, Teramo, Italy; 8
Instituto Astrofisico di Canarias, Teneriffe, Spain; 9 Observatorul
Astronomic Cluj, Cluj Napoca, Romania; 10 Observatoire de
Bordeaux, France; 11 Roseto
degli Abruzzi, Teramo, Italy; 12 GAR, Reggio Calabria, Italy; 13
Essen, Germany; 14 Heuweiler, Germany; 15 Observatoire de la Côte
d'Azur, France; 16 GEA, Barcelona, Spain; 17 Department of Physics,
University of Alberta, Canada; 18 Sendai-City, Myagi, Japan; 19
Observatoire de Paris, France; 20 Clichy, France; 21 Hughes STX
Corporation, Lanham Md, U.S.A.; 22 ASL, Holtsville NY, U.S.A.; 23
Astronomical Observatory, Berlin, Germany; 24 Observatoire de Genève,
Suisse; 25 Institutul Astronomic, Bucuresti, Romania; 26
de Belgrade, Yougoslavie; 27 La Primaudière, France; 28 IAP,
Paris, France; 29 Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria; 30 CRL,
Tokyo, Japan; 31 Institute of Astronomy, Hawaii University, U.S.A.; 32
Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India; 33 University of Western
Sydney, Nepean, Sydney, Australia; 34 NEKAAL, Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.;
35 Astronomical Institute, Timisoara, Romania
In this paper, all the light-curves obtained during the PHEMU91 campaign of observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites are presented. These observations give accurate astrometric positions of major interest for dynamical studies of the motion of the Galilean satellites. The aim of this work is to give observational data directly usable for theoretical studies. We made 374 observations of 111 mutual events from 56 sites. The corresponding data are given in this paper. The accuracy of each observation has been deduced from a comparison with the theoretical predictions. For each observation, information is given about the telescope, the receptor, the site and the observational conditions.
keywords: Jupiter -- Galilean satellites -- occultations -- astrometry